"다양한 수학 프로그램(소프트 웨어)"의 두 판 사이의 차이

둘러보기로 가기 검색하러 가기
(같은 사용자의 중간 판 2개는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
[http://www.math.uiuc.edu/%7Enmd/computop/ http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~nmd/computop/]
[http://www.math.uiuc.edu/%7Enmd/computop/ http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~nmd/computop/]
* 리눅스 에듀분투
* 리눅스 에듀분투
*  Geogebra[http://geogebra.springnote.com ][http://geogebra.springnote.com/ ]<br>
** [http://geogebra.springnote.com ][http://geogebra.springnote.com/ ][http://geogebra.springnote.com ][http://geogebra.springnote.com ][http://geogebra.springnote.com/ http://geogebra.springnote.com]
** http://www.geogebra.org/cms/ko
* Cabri 3D
* Cabri 3D
* Geofix http://www.didax.com/geofix/
* Geofix http://www.didax.com/geofix/
22번째 줄: 16번째 줄:
* [http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9caca722-5235-401c-8d3f-9e242b794c3a Microsoft Mathematics 4.0]
* [http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9caca722-5235-401c-8d3f-9e242b794c3a Microsoft Mathematics 4.0]
GeoGebra http://www.geogebra.org/cms/ Free mathematics software for learning and teaching (free)<br> MathPiper http://www.mathpiper.org/ mathematics-oriented programming language (free)<br> Yacas http://yacas.sourceforge.net/homepage.html YACAS is an easy to use, general purpose Computer Algebra System (free)<br> SciLab http://www.scilab.org/ free and open source platform for numerical computation (free)<br> Cinderella http://www.cinderella.de/tiki-index.php Experience Geometry on your desktop and on the web (free)<br> Maxima http://maxima.sourceforge.net/ a system for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions (free)<br> xyAlgebra http://www.xyalgebra.org/ Interactive instruction and practice problems with intelligent step-by-step help (free)<br> Peanut Software http://math.exeter.edu/rparris/ free plotting software (free)<br> Geometer’s SketchPad http://www.dynamicgeometry.com/ Dynamic Geometry® mathematics visualization software<br> Mathematica http://www.wolfram.com/ Technical and Scientific Software<br> MatLab http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/ The Language of Technical Computing<br> Maple http://www.maplesoft.com/ Math Software for Engineers, Educators & Students<br> Mathcad http://www.ptc.com/products/mathcad/ Industry Standard for Engineering Calculations<br> Scientific Notebook [http://www.mackichan.com/index.html?products/snb.html%7EmainFrame http://www.mackichan.com/index.html?pro ... ~mainFrame] Mathematical Word Processor CAS<br> Scientific Workplace http://www.mackichan.com/ Mathematical Word Processor CAS LaTex<br> LiveMath http://www.livemath.com/ a computer algebra and graphing system designed for the mathematician ($149)
==리눅스 에듀분투==
우분투에서 만든 교육&학교 전용 os이다
기본적으로 우분투와 같지만 다양한 교육 프로그램을 제공&설치 가능
p.s 참고로 모두 오픈소스이기에 공짜로 사용하는하고 합법적이며 매우 좋은 프로그램들이 엄청 있습니다^^
==관련된 항목들
* [[지오지브라]]
이것은 스크랩 한것입니다
[[분류:계산 리소스]]
[[분류:계산 리소스]]

2020년 12월 28일 (월) 02:11 기준 최신판