"Simple exclusion process"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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(사용자 3명의 중간 판 72개는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
* example of a non-equilibrium model in statistical mechanics
* Gibbs-Boltzmann formation is not valid
* exclusion rule forbids to have more than one particle per site
* The simple exclusion process is a model of a lattice gas with an exclusion principle
* diffusion
* introduced in 1960's in biology for RNA
* analysed in 1990's
The simple exclusion process is a model of a lattice gas with an exclusion principle: a particle can move to a neighboring site, with rate 1/2 for each side, only if this is empty.
exclusion rule which forbids to have more than one particle per site
* a particle can move to a neighboring site, with probability p to right and probability q to left, only if this is empty.
*  special cases
** symmetric exclusion process <math>p=q=1/2</math>
** asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) <math>p\neq q</math>
** totally asymmetric exclusion process (TASEP) <math>p=1,q=0</math>
* for example, <math>\delta=\gamma=q=0</math> model for traffic flow
* particles jumping from left ro right or from right ro left with given probabilities <math>p</math> and <math>q</math> (<math>p+q=1</math>)
===dynamical rules===
* <math>P(C,t)</math> be the probability for configuration <math>C</math> at time <math>t</math>
* <math>P(C,t)</math> is a solution of the master equation
\frac{\partial P(C,t)}{\partial t}=\sum_{C':C'\neq C}P(C',t)W(C'\to C)-\left(\sum_{C':C'\neq C}W(C\to C')\right)P(C,t)
* [[Master equation for asymmetric simple exclusion process]]
Bethe Ansatz and Exclusion Processes http://events.berkeley.edu/index.php/calendar/sn/math.html?event_ID=39328&date=2011-02-01
==key concepts==
===spin chain===
symmetric exclusion process
* master equation and the  formalism using the Hamiltonian of the spin chain
* [[Heisenberg spin chain model]] can be viewed as a exclusion process (time evolution)
particles jumping from left ro right or from right ro left with given probabilityes p and q (p+q=1)
===critical exponent===
* relaxation time <math>\tau</math> towards equilibrium
* spatial correlation length <math>\xi</math>
* dynamical critical exponent <math>z</math> given by <math>\tau \sim \xi^z</math>
* for one-dimensional quantum spin chains <math>\tau \sim L^z</math> where <math>L</math> is the length of the spin chain
===Bethe ansatz===
<math>\tau</math> is dominated by the eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian with the smallest real part
* thus the finite size analysis of the Hamiltonian gives
\Re(E_1)\sim \frac{1}{L^z}
* so we need to compute <math>E_1</math> to get <math>z</math>
* this is where the [[Bethe ansatz]] comes in
G(x,t) = probability (x(t)=x | x(0) is distrbuted according to g(x) )
==two species model==
* two species asymmetric diffusion model that describes two species and vacancies diffusing asymmetrically on a one-dimensional lattice
* use algebraic Bethe Ansatz
* find the finite-size scaling behavior of the lowest lying eigenstates of the quantum Hamiltonian describing the model and compute the dynamical critical exponent
* [[Multi-species asymmetric simple exclusion process]]
* http://www.math.purdue.edu/~ebkaufma/publications.html
<h5>KPZ equation</h5>
==related items==
* [[Random matrix]]
* [[Random processes]]
* [[Limit shapes in random processes]]
* [[KPZ equation]]
* [[KPZ equation]]
Stochastic growth models in the plane
For simple case, consider a graph of a random height function h.
Consider the rescaling
h^{\epsion}(x,t)=\epsilon h(\frac{x}{\epsilon},\frac{t}{\epsilon})
Then we expect to have
After some scaling argument, one may use KPZ equation to justify \epsilon^{2/3} as the order og the fluctuations of the above problem. But what is the law of the random \eta ?
Perhaps we can locate an example for which we can find exact formula for h as a result a formula for \eta. So for we have two examples that are "exactly solvable"
These examples are
Hammersley-Aldous-Diaconis (HAD) process and simple exclusion processes.
For the latter a trick known on Bethe ansatz is used to find very explicit formulas for various quantities of interest.
<h5>Bethe ansatz</h5>
* [[Heisenberg spin chain model]] can be viewed as a exclusion process (time evolution)
* http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbs=tl:1&q=
<h5>related items</h5>
* [[Heisenberg spin chain model]]
* [[Heisenberg spin chain model]]
* [[total positivity]]
* [[KPZ equation]]
* [[Bethe ansatz]]
* [[Bethe ansatz]]
* [[Finite size effect]]
* [[Tetrahedron equation]]
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asymmetric_simple_exclusion_process
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* http://www.scholarpedia.org/
* [http://eom.springer.de/ http://eom.springer.de]
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* Princeton companion to mathematics([[2910610/attachments/2250873|Companion_to_Mathematics.pdf]])
* [[2011년 books and articles]]
* http://library.nu/search?q=
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* http://www.ams.org/mathscinet
* http://www.zentralblatt-math.org/zmath/en/
* http://arxiv.org/
* http://www.pdf-search.org/
* http://pythagoras0.springnote.com/
* [http://math.berkeley.edu/%7Ereb/papers/index.html http://math.berkeley.edu/~reb/papers/index.html]
* http://dx.doi.org/
<h5>question and answers(Math Overflow)</h5>
* http://mathoverflow.net/search?q=
* http://mathoverflow.net/search?q=
*  구글 블로그 검색<br>
**  http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?q=<br>
** http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?q=
* http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/HomePage
* Mallick, Kirone. ‘The Exclusion Process: A Paradigm for Non-Equilibrium Behaviour’. arXiv:1412.6258 [cond-Mat], 19 December 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6258.
* Kaufmann, [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8XXo8Tve1cxemM0a05MbDFuYkU/edit Bethe ansatz for two species totally asymmetric diffusion]
* Golinelli, Olivier, and Kirone Mallick. 2006. The asymmetric simple exclusion process: an integrable model for non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39, no. 41 (10): 12679-12705. doi:[http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0305-4470/39/41/S03 10.1088/0305-4470/39/41/S03].
<h5>experts on the field</h5>
* Sylvain Prolhac, Extrapolation methods and Bethe ansatz for the asymmetric exclusion process, arXiv:1604.08843 [cond-mat.stat-mech], April 29 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.08843
* Sylvain Prolhac, Finite-time fluctuations for the totally asymmetric exclusion process, 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.090601, http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.090601, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (2016) 090601, http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.04064v3
* Cantini, Luigi, Jan de Gier, and Michael Wheeler. “Matrix Product and Sum Rule for Macdonald Polynomials.” arXiv:1602.04392 [math-Ph], February 13, 2016. http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.04392.
* Sato, Jun, and Katsuhiro Nishinari. “Exact Relaxation Dynamics of the ASEP with Langmuir Kinetics on a Ring.” arXiv:1601.02651 [cond-Mat, Physics:math-Ph, Physics:nlin], January 7, 2016. http://arxiv.org/abs/1601.02651.
* Kuniba, Atsuo, Shouya Maruyama, and Masato Okado. “Multispecies Totally Asymmetric Zero Range Process: I. Multiline Process and Combinatorial <math>R</math>.” arXiv:1511.09168 [cond-Mat, Physics:math-Ph, Physics:nlin], November 30, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.09168.
* Crampe, N., L. Frappat, E. Ragoucy, and M. Vanicat. “A New Braid-like Algebra for Baxterisation.” arXiv:1509.05516 [math-Ph], September 18, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1509.05516.
* Kuniba, Atsuo, Shouya Maruyama, and Masato Okado. “Multispecies TASEP and Combinatorial <math>R</math>.” arXiv:1506.04490 [math-Ph, Physics:nlin], June 15, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.04490.
* Ortmann, Janosch, Jeremy Quastel, and Daniel Remenik. “A Pfaffian Representation for Flat ASEP.” arXiv:1501.05626 [math-Ph], January 22, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.05626.
* Barraquand, Guillaume, and Ivan Corwin. “The <math>q</math>-Hahn Asymmetric Exclusion Process.” arXiv:1501.03445 [cond-Mat, Physics:math-Ph], January 14, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.03445.
* Crampe, Nicolas. “Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process with Boundaries.” arXiv:1411.7954 [cond-Mat, Physics:math-Ph, Physics:nlin], November 28, 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.7954.
* Prolhac, Sylvain. “Asymptotics for the Norm of Bethe Eigenstates in the Periodic Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process.” arXiv:1411.7008 [cond-Mat, Physics:math-Ph, Physics:nlin], November 25, 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.7008.
* http://arxiv.org/
==articles 2==
===single species model===
* Tracy, Craig A., and Harold Widom. 2009. Asymptotics in ASEP with Step Initial Condition. Communications in Mathematical Physics 290, no. 1 (2): 129-154. doi:[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00220-009-0761-0 10.1007/s00220-009-0761-0].
* '''[TW2007]'''Tracy, Craig A., and Harold Widom. 2008. “Integral Formulas for the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process.” Communications in Mathematical Physics 279 (3) (May 1): 815–844. doi:[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00220-008-0443-3 10.1007/s00220-008-0443-3]
* Golinelli, O., and K. Mallick. 2007. “Family of Commuting Operators for the Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process.” Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (22) (June 1): 5795. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/40/22/003.
* Derrida, B. “An Exactly Soluble Non-Equilibrium System: The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process.” Physics Reports 301, no. 1–3 (July 1, 1998): 65–83. doi:10.1016/S0370-1573(98)00006-4.
* Schütz, Gunter M. 1997. Exact solution of the master equation for the asymmetric exclusion process. Journal of Statistical Physics 88, no. 1 (7): 427-445. doi:[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02508478 10.1007/BF02508478].
* Gwa, Leh-Hun, and Herbert Spohn. 1992. “Bethe Solution for the Dynamical-scaling Exponent of the Noisy Burgers Equation.” Physical Review A 46 (2) (July 15): 844–854. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.46.844.
===random growth model===
* Johansson, Kurt. 2000. Shape Fluctuations and Random Matrices. Communications in Mathematical Physics 209, no. 2 (2): 437-476. doi:[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s002200050027 10.1007/s002200050027].
[[분류:integrable systems]]
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* [http://pythagoras0.springnote.com/pages/1947378 수식표현 안내]
* [http://www.research.att.com/%7Enjas/sequences/index.html The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences]
* ID :  [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q297612 Q297612]
* http://functions.wolfram.com/
===Spacy 패턴 목록===
* [{'LEMMA': 'ASEP'}]
* [{'LOWER': 'asymmetric'}, {'LOWER': 'simple'}, {'LOWER': 'exclusion'}, {'LEMMA': 'process'}]

2021년 2월 17일 (수) 02:42 기준 최신판


  • example of a non-equilibrium model in statistical mechanics
  • Gibbs-Boltzmann formation is not valid
  • exclusion rule forbids to have more than one particle per site
  • The simple exclusion process is a model of a lattice gas with an exclusion principle
  • diffusion
  • introduced in 1960's in biology for RNA
  • analysed in 1990's


  • a particle can move to a neighboring site, with probability p to right and probability q to left, only if this is empty.
  • special cases
    • symmetric exclusion process \(p=q=1/2\)
    • asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) \(p\neq q\)
    • totally asymmetric exclusion process (TASEP) \(p=1,q=0\)
  • for example, \(\delta=\gamma=q=0\) model for traffic flow
  • particles jumping from left ro right or from right ro left with given probabilities \(p\) and \(q\) (\(p+q=1\))

dynamical rules

  • \(P(C,t)\) be the probability for configuration \(C\) at time \(t\)
  • \(P(C,t)\) is a solution of the master equation

\[ \frac{\partial P(C,t)}{\partial t}=\sum_{C':C'\neq C}P(C',t)W(C'\to C)-\left(\sum_{C':C'\neq C}W(C\to C')\right)P(C,t) \]

key concepts

spin chain

  • master equation and the formalism using the Hamiltonian of the spin chain
  • Heisenberg spin chain model can be viewed as a exclusion process (time evolution)

critical exponent

  • relaxation time \(\tau\) towards equilibrium
  • spatial correlation length \(\xi\)
  • dynamical critical exponent \(z\) given by \(\tau \sim \xi^z\)
  • for one-dimensional quantum spin chains \(\tau \sim L^z\) where \(L\) is the length of the spin chain

Bethe ansatz

\(\tau\) is dominated by the eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian with the smallest real part

  • thus the finite size analysis of the Hamiltonian gives

\[ \Re(E_1)\sim \frac{1}{L^z} \]

  • so we need to compute \(E_1\) to get \(z\)
  • this is where the Bethe ansatz comes in

two species model

  • two species asymmetric diffusion model that describes two species and vacancies diffusing asymmetrically on a one-dimensional lattice
  • use algebraic Bethe Ansatz
  • find the finite-size scaling behavior of the lowest lying eigenstates of the quantum Hamiltonian describing the model and compute the dynamical critical exponent
  • Multi-species asymmetric simple exclusion process


related items




  • Sylvain Prolhac, Extrapolation methods and Bethe ansatz for the asymmetric exclusion process, arXiv:1604.08843 [cond-mat.stat-mech], April 29 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.08843
  • Sylvain Prolhac, Finite-time fluctuations for the totally asymmetric exclusion process, 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.090601, http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.090601, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (2016) 090601, http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.04064v3
  • Cantini, Luigi, Jan de Gier, and Michael Wheeler. “Matrix Product and Sum Rule for Macdonald Polynomials.” arXiv:1602.04392 [math-Ph], February 13, 2016. http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.04392.
  • Sato, Jun, and Katsuhiro Nishinari. “Exact Relaxation Dynamics of the ASEP with Langmuir Kinetics on a Ring.” arXiv:1601.02651 [cond-Mat, Physics:math-Ph, Physics:nlin], January 7, 2016. http://arxiv.org/abs/1601.02651.
  • Kuniba, Atsuo, Shouya Maruyama, and Masato Okado. “Multispecies Totally Asymmetric Zero Range Process: I. Multiline Process and Combinatorial \(R\).” arXiv:1511.09168 [cond-Mat, Physics:math-Ph, Physics:nlin], November 30, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.09168.
  • Crampe, N., L. Frappat, E. Ragoucy, and M. Vanicat. “A New Braid-like Algebra for Baxterisation.” arXiv:1509.05516 [math-Ph], September 18, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1509.05516.
  • Kuniba, Atsuo, Shouya Maruyama, and Masato Okado. “Multispecies TASEP and Combinatorial \(R\).” arXiv:1506.04490 [math-Ph, Physics:nlin], June 15, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.04490.
  • Ortmann, Janosch, Jeremy Quastel, and Daniel Remenik. “A Pfaffian Representation for Flat ASEP.” arXiv:1501.05626 [math-Ph], January 22, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.05626.
  • Barraquand, Guillaume, and Ivan Corwin. “The \(q\)-Hahn Asymmetric Exclusion Process.” arXiv:1501.03445 [cond-Mat, Physics:math-Ph], January 14, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.03445.
  • Crampe, Nicolas. “Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process with Boundaries.” arXiv:1411.7954 [cond-Mat, Physics:math-Ph, Physics:nlin], November 28, 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.7954.
  • Prolhac, Sylvain. “Asymptotics for the Norm of Bethe Eigenstates in the Periodic Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process.” arXiv:1411.7008 [cond-Mat, Physics:math-Ph, Physics:nlin], November 25, 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.7008.

articles 2

single species model

  • Tracy, Craig A., and Harold Widom. 2009. Asymptotics in ASEP with Step Initial Condition. Communications in Mathematical Physics 290, no. 1 (2): 129-154. doi:10.1007/s00220-009-0761-0.
  • [TW2007]Tracy, Craig A., and Harold Widom. 2008. “Integral Formulas for the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process.” Communications in Mathematical Physics 279 (3) (May 1): 815–844. doi:10.1007/s00220-008-0443-3
  • Golinelli, O., and K. Mallick. 2007. “Family of Commuting Operators for the Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process.” Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (22) (June 1): 5795. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/40/22/003.
  • Derrida, B. “An Exactly Soluble Non-Equilibrium System: The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process.” Physics Reports 301, no. 1–3 (July 1, 1998): 65–83. doi:10.1016/S0370-1573(98)00006-4.
  • Schütz, Gunter M. 1997. Exact solution of the master equation for the asymmetric exclusion process. Journal of Statistical Physics 88, no. 1 (7): 427-445. doi:10.1007/BF02508478.
  • Gwa, Leh-Hun, and Herbert Spohn. 1992. “Bethe Solution for the Dynamical-scaling Exponent of the Noisy Burgers Equation.” Physical Review A 46 (2) (July 15): 844–854. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.46.844.

random growth model

  • Johansson, Kurt. 2000. Shape Fluctuations and Random Matrices. Communications in Mathematical Physics 209, no. 2 (2): 437-476. doi:10.1007/s002200050027.



Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LEMMA': 'ASEP'}]
  • [{'LOWER': 'asymmetric'}, {'LOWER': 'simple'}, {'LOWER': 'exclusion'}, {'LEMMA': 'process'}]