"라플라스-벨트라미 연산자"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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<h5 style="margin: 0px; line-height: 3.428em; color: rgb(34, 61, 103); font-family: 'malgun gothic',dotum,gulim,sans-serif; font-size: 1.166em; background-position: 0px 100%;">이 항목의 스프링노트 원문주소</h5>
* [[라플라시안(Laplacian)]]
* 유클리드 공간에 정의된 미분연산자
*  더 일반적으로 리만다양체 위에서 정의할 수 있으며, 메트릭 텐서를 이용하여 쓸 수 있음 (이 경우 라플라스-벨트라미 연산자로 불리기도 함)
** 미분형식에 대한 라플라시안 연산자로 일반화되며, 미분다양체의 [[드람 코호몰로지]] 이론에서 중요한 역할을 함
* 컴팩트 리만다양체에서 정의되는 라플라시안의 고유값을 이해하는 문제는 수학적으로 중요
==2차원 유클리드 공간==
<h5 style="margin: 0px; line-height: 3.428em; color: rgb(34, 61, 103); font-family: 'malgun gothic',dotum,gulim,sans-serif; font-size: 1.166em; background-position: 0px 100%;">개요</h5>
*  라플라시안 연산자는 다음과 같이 정의됨:<math>\Delta f = \frac{\partial^2f}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y^2}</math>
==리만다양체의 메트릭 텐서를 이용한 표현==
<h5>제1기본형식을 이용한 표현</h5>
* 리만다양체의 [[메트릭 텐서]]가 <math>g_{ij}</math>로 주어지는 경우
* 리만다양체의 메트릭이 <math>g_{ij}</math>로 주어지는 경우
* <math>(g^{ij})=(g_{ij})^{-1}</math>
* <math>(g^{ij})=(g_{ij})^{-1}</math>
*  라플라시안<br><math>\Delta f=\nabla_i \nabla^i f =\frac{1}{\sqrt{\det g}} \frac{\partial }{\partial x^j}\left(g^{jk}\sqrt{\det g}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^k}\right) = g^{jk}\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^j \partial x^k} + \frac{\partial g^{jk}}{\partial x^j} \frac{\partial f}{\partial x^k} + \frac12 g^{jk}g^{il}\frac{\partial g_{il}}{\partial x^j}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^k}</math><br>
*  라플라시안:<math>\Delta f=\nabla_i \nabla^i f =\frac{1}{\sqrt{\det g}} \frac{\partial }{\partial x^j}\left(g^{jk}\sqrt{\det g}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^k}\right) = g^{jk}\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^j \partial x^k} + \frac{\partial g^{jk}}{\partial x^j} \frac{\partial f}{\partial x^k} + \frac12 g^{jk}g^{il}\frac{\partial g_{il}}{\partial x^j}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^k}</math>
* 곡면의 경우 <math>E=g_{11}</math>, <math>F=g_{12}=g_{21}</math>, <math>G=g_{22}</math>
* 곡면의 경우 <math>E=g_{11}</math>, <math>F=g_{12}=g_{21}</math>, <math>G=g_{22}</math>
* <math>F=0</math>인 경우<br><math>\Delta f=\frac{1}{\sqrt{EG}}\left( \frac{\partial }{\partial x^1}\left(\sqrt{\frac{G}{E}}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^1}\right)+\frac{\partial }{\partial x^2}\left(\sqrt{\frac{E}{G}}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^2}\right)\right)</math><br>
* <math>F=0</math>인 경우:<math>\Delta f=\frac{1}{\sqrt{EG}}\left( \frac{\partial }{\partial x^1}\left(\sqrt{\frac{G}{E}}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^1}\right)+\frac{\partial }{\partial x^2}\left(\sqrt{\frac{E}{G}}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^2}\right)\right)</math>
<h5>표준좌표계의 경우</h5>
<math>\Delta f = \frac{\partial^2f}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y^2}</math>
<h5>극좌표계의 경우</h5>
==극좌표계의 경우==
* [[극좌표계]]
* [[극좌표계]]
* <math>E=1</math>, <math>G=0</math>, <math>F=r^2</math><br><math>\sqrt{EG}=r</math><br><math>\Delta f = {1 \over r} {\partial \over \partial r}   \left( r {\partial f \over \partial r} \right) + {1 \over r^2} {\partial^2 f \over \partial \theta^2}</math><br>
* <math>E=1</math>, <math>G=0</math>, <math>F=r^2</math>:<math>\sqrt{EG}=r</math>:<math>\Delta f = {1 \over r} {\partial \over \partial r} \left( r {\partial f \over \partial r} \right) + {1 \over r^2} {\partial^2 f \over \partial \theta^2}={1 \over r}   {\partial f \over \partial r}+ {\partial^2 f \over \partial r^2}+{1 \over r^2} {\partial^2 f \over \partial \theta^2}</math>
<h5>구면 라플라시안</h5>
<math>\Delta f = {1 \over r^2 \sin \theta} {\partial \over \partial \theta} \left( \sin \theta {\partial f \over \partial \theta} \right) + {1 \over r^2 \sin^2 \theta} {\partial^2 f \over \partial \phi^2}={1 \over r^2 }({\partial^2 f \over \partial \theta^2} +\cot\theta {\partial f \over \partial \theta}  + { \sin^2 \theta} {\partial^2 f \over \partial \phi^2})</math>
<h5 style="margin: 0px; line-height: 2em;">3차원 구면좌표계의 경우</h5>
==구면 라플라시안==
* [[구면좌표계]]<br><math>\Delta f  = {1 \over r^2} {\partial \over \partial r}  \left( r^2 {\partial f \over \partial r} \right)  + {1 \over r^2 \sin \theta} {\partial \over \partial \theta}   \left( \sin \theta {\partial f \over \partial \theta} \right)  + {1 \over r^2 \sin^2 \theta} {\partial^2 f \over \partial \varphi^2}</math><br>
* [[구면(sphere)]]
* <math>E=r^2\sin^2\theta</math>, <math>F=0</math>, <math>G=r^2</math>:<math>\Delta f ={1 \over r^2 }({\partial^2 f \over \partial \theta^2} +\cot\theta {\partial f \over \partial \theta} + \frac{1}{ \sin^2 \theta}{\partial^2 f \over \partial \phi^2})</math>
<h5>원기둥좌표계의 경우</h5>
==3차원 구면좌표계의 경우==
* [[원기둥좌표계]]<br>
* [[구면좌표계]]:<math>\Delta f = {1 \over r^2} {\partial \over \partial r} \left( r^2 {\partial f \over \partial r} \right) + {1 \over r^2 \sin \theta} {\partial \over \partial \theta} \left( \sin \theta {\partial f \over \partial \theta} \right) + {1 \over r^2 \sin^2 \theta} {\partial^2 f \over \partial \phi^2}</math>
==라플라시안의 성질==
* 컴팩트 리만 다양체 <math>M</math>
* elliptic
* self-adjoint
* <math>-\Delta</math> 는 positive
* <math>-\Delta</math> 의 스펙트럼은 다음과 같이 주어짐
:<math>0=\lambda_0<\lambda_1<\lambda_2<\cdots, \lim_{j\to \infty}\lambda_j=\infty</math>
* <math>j\to \infty</math>일 때, <math>\lambda_{j}\sim j^{2/\dim M}</math>의 근사식을 따른다
* [[스펙트럼 제타 함수]] 항목 참조
* http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbs=tl:1&q=
* http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbs=tl:1&q=
* [[수학사연표 (역사)|수학사연표]]
* [[수학사 연표]]
* 민코프스키 메트릭과 달랑베르시안
* invariant differential operator http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invariant_differential_operator
* http://mathoverflow.net/questions/64017/eigenvalues-of-laplacian-beltrami-operator
* http://mathoverflow.net/questions/85481/the-first-eigenvalue-of-the-laplacian-for-complex-projective-space
<h5>관련된 항목들</h5>
==관련된 항목들==
* [[구면조화함수(spherical harmonics)]]
* [[편미분방정식]]
* [[편미분방정식]]
* [[스펙트럼 제타 함수]]
==매스매티카 파일 및 계산 리소스==
<h5 style="margin: 0px; line-height: 3.428em; color: rgb(34, 61, 103); font-family: 'malgun gothic',dotum,gulim,sans-serif; font-size: 1.166em; background-position: 0px 100%;">수학용어번역</h5>
* https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B8XXo8Tve1cxOWNhYWIxNmEtN2VlMC00N2ZkLThlMzMtODgzZjg5ODIxMmI5&sort=name&layout=list&num=50
* http://www.google.com/dictionary?langpair=en|ko&q=
* [http://mathnet.kaist.ac.kr/mathnet/math_list.php?mode=list&ftype=&fstr= 대한수학회 수학 학술 용어집]<br>
** http://mathnet.kaist.ac.kr/mathnet/math_list.php?mode=list&ftype=eng_term&fstr=
* [http://kms.or.kr/home/kor/board/bulletin_list_subject.asp?bulletinid=%7BD6048897-56F9-43D7-8BB6-50B362D1243A%7D&boardname=%BC%F6%C7%D0%BF%EB%BE%EE%C5%E4%B7%D0%B9%E6&globalmenu=7&localmenu=4 대한수학회 수학용어한글화 게시판]
==사전 형태의 자료==
<h5>사전 형태의 자료</h5>
* [http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%9D%BC%ED%94%8C%EB%9D%BC%EC%8A%A4_%EC%97%B0%EC%82%B0%EC%9E%90 http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/라플라스_연산자]
* [http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%9D%BC%ED%94%8C%EB%9D%BC%EC%8A%A4_%EC%97%B0%EC%82%B0%EC%9E%90 http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/라플라스_연산자]
112번째 줄: 96번째 줄:
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_formulas_in_Riemannian_geometry
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_formulas_in_Riemannian_geometry
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace_operators_in_differential_geometry
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace_operators_in_differential_geometry
* http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Laplacian.html[http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=laplacian ]
* http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Laplacian.html
* [http://dlmf.nist.gov/ NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions]<br>
* [http://dlmf.nist.gov/ NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions]
** http://dlmf.nist.gov/1.5
** http://dlmf.nist.gov/1.5
* http://www.jstor.org/action/doBasicSearch?Query=
* http://dx.doi.org/
*  도서내검색<br>
** http://books.google.com/books?q=
** http://book.daum.net/search/contentSearch.do?query=
*  도서검색<br>
** http://books.google.com/books?q=
** http://book.daum.net/search/mainSearch.do?query=
** http://book.daum.net/search/mainSearch.do?query=
*  네이버 뉴스 검색 (키워드 수정)<br>
==리뷰, 에세이, 강의노트==
** http://news.search.naver.com/search.naver?where=news&x=0&y=0&sm=tab_hty&query=
* https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~saito/tutorials/nifs13.pdf
** http://news.search.naver.com/search.naver?where=news&x=0&y=0&sm=tab_hty&query=
* Lorenzo Brasco, Guido De Philippis, Spectral inequalities in quantitative form, arXiv:1604.05072 [math.SP], April 18 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.05072
** http://news.search.naver.com/search.naver?where=news&x=0&y=0&sm=tab_hty&query=
* Zelditch, S. “Eigenfunctions and Nodal Sets.” arXiv:1205.2812 [math], May 12, 2012. http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.2812.
* Lingzhong Zeng, The Gaps of Consecutive Eigenvalues of Laplacian on Riemannian Manifolds, arXiv:1606.02589 [math.DG], June 08 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.02589
* A. M. Stepin, I. V. Tsylin, Spectral boundary value problems for Laplace--Beltrami operator: moduli of continuity of eigenvalues under domain deformation, arXiv:1605.03614 [math.AP], May 11 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1605.03614
* Philippe Charron, Bernard Helffer, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Pleijel's theorem for Schrödinger operators with radial potentials, arXiv:1604.08372 [math.SP], April 28 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.08372
* Chiu-Yen Kao, Rongjie Lai, Braxton Osting, Maximization of Laplace-Beltrami eigenvalues on closed Riemannian surfaces, arXiv:1405.4944[math.DG], May 20 2014, http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.4944v3, 10.1051/cocv/2016008, http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/cocv/2016008
* Sinan Ariturk, Maximal spectral surfaces of revolution converge to a catenoid, arXiv:1603.08496[math.SP], March 28 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.08496v1
* Berestovskii, Valera, Irina Zubareva, and Victor Svirkin. “The Spectrum of the Laplace Operator on Connected Compact Simple Lie Groups of Rank 3.” arXiv:1511.03872 [math], November 12, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.03872.
* Nadirashvili, Nikolai, and Yannick Sire. “Isoperimetric Inequality for the Third Eigenvalue of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator on <math>\mathbb S^2</math>.” arXiv:1506.07017 [math], June 23, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.07017.
* He, Yue. ‘Proof of the P’{o}lya Conjecture’. arXiv:1411.1135 [math], 4 November 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.1135.
* Ballmann, Werner, Henrik Matthiesen, and Sugata Mondal. 2014. “Small Eigenvalues of Surfaces.” arXiv:1406.5836 [math], June. http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.5836.
* Donnelly, Harold, and Charles Fefferman. “Nodal Sets of Eigenfunctions on Riemannian Manifolds.” Inventiones Mathematicae 93, no. 1 (1988): 161–83. doi:10.1007/BF01393691.
*  구글 블로그 검색<br>
** http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?q=
* [http://navercast.naver.com/science/list 네이버 오늘의과학]
* ID : [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1443411 Q1443411]
* [http://math.dongascience.com/ 수학동아]
===Spacy 패턴 목록===
* [http://www.ams.org/mathmoments/ Mathematical Moments from the AMS]
* [{'LOWER': 'invariant'}, {'LOWER': 'differential'}, {'LEMMA': 'operator'}]
* [http://betterexplained.com/ BetterExplained]

2021년 2월 17일 (수) 05:04 기준 최신판


  • 유클리드 공간에 정의된 미분연산자
  • 더 일반적으로 리만다양체 위에서 정의할 수 있으며, 메트릭 텐서를 이용하여 쓸 수 있음 (이 경우 라플라스-벨트라미 연산자로 불리기도 함)
    • 미분형식에 대한 라플라시안 연산자로 일반화되며, 미분다양체의 드람 코호몰로지 이론에서 중요한 역할을 함
  • 컴팩트 리만다양체에서 정의되는 라플라시안의 고유값을 이해하는 문제는 수학적으로 중요

2차원 유클리드 공간

  • 라플라시안 연산자는 다음과 같이 정의됨\[\Delta f = \frac{\partial^2f}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y^2}\]

리만다양체의 메트릭 텐서를 이용한 표현

  • 리만다양체의 메트릭 텐서가 \(g_{ij}\)로 주어지는 경우
  • \((g^{ij})=(g_{ij})^{-1}\)
  • 라플라시안\[\Delta f=\nabla_i \nabla^i f =\frac{1}{\sqrt{\det g}} \frac{\partial }{\partial x^j}\left(g^{jk}\sqrt{\det g}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^k}\right) = g^{jk}\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^j \partial x^k} + \frac{\partial g^{jk}}{\partial x^j} \frac{\partial f}{\partial x^k} + \frac12 g^{jk}g^{il}\frac{\partial g_{il}}{\partial x^j}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^k}\]
  • 곡면의 경우 \(E=g_{11}\), \(F=g_{12}=g_{21}\), \(G=g_{22}\)
  • \(F=0\)인 경우\[\Delta f=\frac{1}{\sqrt{EG}}\left( \frac{\partial }{\partial x^1}\left(\sqrt{\frac{G}{E}}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^1}\right)+\frac{\partial }{\partial x^2}\left(\sqrt{\frac{E}{G}}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^2}\right)\right)\]

극좌표계의 경우

  • 극좌표계
  • \(E=1\), \(G=0\), \(F=r^2\)\[\sqrt{EG}=r\]\[\Delta f = {1 \over r} {\partial \over \partial r} \left( r {\partial f \over \partial r} \right) + {1 \over r^2} {\partial^2 f \over \partial \theta^2}={1 \over r} {\partial f \over \partial r}+ {\partial^2 f \over \partial r^2}+{1 \over r^2} {\partial^2 f \over \partial \theta^2}\]

구면 라플라시안

  • 구면(sphere)
  • \(E=r^2\sin^2\theta\), \(F=0\), \(G=r^2\)\[\Delta f ={1 \over r^2 }({\partial^2 f \over \partial \theta^2} +\cot\theta {\partial f \over \partial \theta} + \frac{1}{ \sin^2 \theta}{\partial^2 f \over \partial \phi^2})\]

3차원 구면좌표계의 경우

  • 구면좌표계\[\Delta f = {1 \over r^2} {\partial \over \partial r} \left( r^2 {\partial f \over \partial r} \right) + {1 \over r^2 \sin \theta} {\partial \over \partial \theta} \left( \sin \theta {\partial f \over \partial \theta} \right) + {1 \over r^2 \sin^2 \theta} {\partial^2 f \over \partial \phi^2}\]

라플라시안의 성질

  • 컴팩트 리만 다양체 \(M\)
  • elliptic
  • self-adjoint
  • \(-\Delta\) 는 positive
  • \(-\Delta\) 의 스펙트럼은 다음과 같이 주어짐

\[0=\lambda_0<\lambda_1<\lambda_2<\cdots, \lim_{j\to \infty}\lambda_j=\infty\]



관련된 항목들

매스매티카 파일 및 계산 리소스

사전 형태의 자료

리뷰, 에세이, 강의노트


  • Lingzhong Zeng, The Gaps of Consecutive Eigenvalues of Laplacian on Riemannian Manifolds, arXiv:1606.02589 [math.DG], June 08 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.02589
  • A. M. Stepin, I. V. Tsylin, Spectral boundary value problems for Laplace--Beltrami operator: moduli of continuity of eigenvalues under domain deformation, arXiv:1605.03614 [math.AP], May 11 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1605.03614
  • Philippe Charron, Bernard Helffer, Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Pleijel's theorem for Schrödinger operators with radial potentials, arXiv:1604.08372 [math.SP], April 28 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.08372
  • Chiu-Yen Kao, Rongjie Lai, Braxton Osting, Maximization of Laplace-Beltrami eigenvalues on closed Riemannian surfaces, arXiv:1405.4944[math.DG], May 20 2014, http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.4944v3, 10.1051/cocv/2016008, http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/cocv/2016008
  • Sinan Ariturk, Maximal spectral surfaces of revolution converge to a catenoid, arXiv:1603.08496[math.SP], March 28 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.08496v1
  • Berestovskii, Valera, Irina Zubareva, and Victor Svirkin. “The Spectrum of the Laplace Operator on Connected Compact Simple Lie Groups of Rank 3.” arXiv:1511.03872 [math], November 12, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.03872.
  • Nadirashvili, Nikolai, and Yannick Sire. “Isoperimetric Inequality for the Third Eigenvalue of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator on \(\mathbb S^2\).” arXiv:1506.07017 [math], June 23, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.07017.
  • He, Yue. ‘Proof of the P’{o}lya Conjecture’. arXiv:1411.1135 [math], 4 November 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.1135.
  • Ballmann, Werner, Henrik Matthiesen, and Sugata Mondal. 2014. “Small Eigenvalues of Surfaces.” arXiv:1406.5836 [math], June. http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.5836.
  • Donnelly, Harold, and Charles Fefferman. “Nodal Sets of Eigenfunctions on Riemannian Manifolds.” Inventiones Mathematicae 93, no. 1 (1988): 161–83. doi:10.1007/BF01393691.



Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'invariant'}, {'LOWER': 'differential'}, {'LEMMA': 'operator'}]