"Random matrix"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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38번째 줄: 38번째 줄:
** eigenvalue distributions of the classical Gaussian random matrices ensembles
** eigenvalue distributions of the classical Gaussian random matrices ensembles
** distribution of their largest eigenvalue in the limit of large matrices
** distribution of their largest eigenvalue in the limit of large matrices
** <math>q''(s)=sq(s)+2q(s)^3</math> Painleve II equation
* Painleve II equation
==determinantal processes==
==determinantal processes==

2014년 10월 28일 (화) 03:51 판


  • The ensembles of random matrices obtained are called Gaussian Orthogonal (GOE), Unitary (GUE), and Symplectic (GSE) Ensembles for = 1, = 2, and = 4 respectively.
  • Catalan numbers and random matrices

random self-adjoint matrices

  • Wigner matrices
  • Band magtrices
  • Wishart matrix
  • Heavy tails matrices
  • Adjacency matrix of Erdos-Renyi graph

Gaussian Wigner matrices

Gaussian Unitary Ensemble(GUE) hypothesis

  • Wigner's work on neutron scattering resonances
  • Hugh Montgomety and Freeman Dyson
    • pair correlation function of zeroes of riemann zeta function
  • GUE is a big open problem but proven for random matrix models
  • GUE Tracy-Widom distribution
    • eigenvalue distributions of the classical Gaussian random matrices ensembles
    • distribution of their largest eigenvalue in the limit of large matrices

\[F_2(s)=\exp\left(-\int_{s}^{\infty}(x-s)q^2(x)dx\right)\] \[F_1(s)=\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\int_{s}^{\infty}q(x)dx\right)F_2(s)^{1/2}\] \[F_4(s/\sqrt{2})=\cosh\left(\frac{1}{2}\int_{s}^{\infty}q(x)dx\right)F_2(s)^{1/2}\]

  • Painleve II equation


determinantal processes


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