"Periods and transcendental number theory"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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* Princeton companion to mathematics(첨부파일로 올릴것)<br>
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*  Zagier-Kontsevich<br>
** [[4066213/attachments/2023761|periods.ps]]<br>
*   <br>
**  M. Waldschmidt. Transcendence of periods: the state of the art. Pure Appl. Math. Q. 2 (2006), 435-463.<br>
* [[2010년 books and articles|논문정리]]
* http://www.zentralblatt-math.org/zmath/en/
* http://pythagoras0.springnote.com/
* http://math.berkeley.edu/~reb/papers/index.html
* http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/search?a=&t=&c=&n=40&s=Listings&q=
* http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/search/publications.html?pg4=AUCN&s4=&co4=AND&pg5=TI&s5=&co5=AND&pg6=PC&s6=&co6=AND&pg7=ALLF&co7=AND&Submit=Search&dr=all&yrop=eq&arg3=&yearRangeFirst=&yearRangeSecond=&pg8=ET&s8=All&s7=
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This [http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.2568 paper] – Ambiguity theory, old and new – is rather fun and would be good to understand thoroughly if we hope to get 2-Galois to do anything important. It’s by Yves André of the ENS, and refers to a comment made by Galois that he was working with a <em style="">théorie de l’ambiguïté</em>. Good to see Albert [http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2008/04/returning_to_lautman.html Lautman] receiving a mention.
For those who want something less introductory, on the same day André has deposited [http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.2569 Galois theory, motives and transcendental numbers]. Lots there about Kontsevich and Zagier’s[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Period_(number) Periods], described in their article of that name in <em style="">Mathematics Unlimited – 2001 and beyond</em>, pages 771-808, unfortunately now no longer available on the Web.

2009년 9월 1일 (화) 11:51 판




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This paper – Ambiguity theory, old and new – is rather fun and would be good to understand thoroughly if we hope to get 2-Galois to do anything important. It’s by Yves André of the ENS, and refers to a comment made by Galois that he was working with a théorie de l’ambiguïté. Good to see Albert Lautman receiving a mention.

For those who want something less introductory, on the same day André has deposited Galois theory, motives and transcendental numbers. Lots there about Kontsevich and Zagier’sPeriods, described in their article of that name in Mathematics Unlimited – 2001 and beyond, pages 771-808, unfortunately now no longer available on the Web.
