"Affine sl(2)"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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226번째 줄: 226번째 줄:
* [[sl(2) - orthogonal polynomials and Lie theory]]
* [[sl(2) - orthogonal polynomials and Lie theory]]
* [[vertex algebras]]
* [[vertex algebras]]
* [[Quantum affine sl(2)]
* [[Quantum affine sl(2)]]

2015년 7월 27일 (월) 02:59 판



construction from semisimple Lie algebra

  • this is borrowed from affine Kac-Moody algebra entry
  • Let \(\mathfrak{g}\) be a semisimple Lie algebra with root system \(\Phi\) and the invariant form \(\langle \cdot,\cdot \rangle\)
  • say \(\mathfrak{g}=A_1\),  \(\Phi=\{\alpha,-\alpha\}\)
  • Cartan matrix
    \(\mathbf{A} = \begin{pmatrix} 2 \end{pmatrix}\)
  • Find the highest root  \(\alpha\)
  • Add another simple root \(\alpha_0\) to the root system \(\Phi\) which is \(\alpha_0=-\alpha\), but we regard this as an independent one now.
  • Construct a new Cartan matrix
    \(A' = \begin{pmatrix} 2 & -2 \\ -2 & 2 \end{pmatrix}\)
  • Note that this matrix has rank 1 since \((1,1)\) belongs to the null space
  • construct a Lie algebra from the new Cartan matrix \(A'\)
  • Add a outer derivation\(d=-l_0\) to compensate the degeneracy of the Cartan matrix

\[\begin{pmatrix} 2 & -2 & 1\\ -2 & 2 &0 \\ 1 &0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\]

basic quantities

  • $a_i=1$
  • $c_i=a_i^{\vee}=1$
  • $a_{ij}$
  • coxeter number 2
  • dual Coxeter number 2
  • Weyl vector



root systems

  • \(\Phi=\{\alpha+n\delta|\alpha\in\Phi^{0},n\in\mathbb{Z}\}\cup \{n\delta|n\in\mathbb{Z},n\neq 0\}\)
  • real roots
    • \(\{\alpha+n\delta|\alpha\in\Phi^{0},n\in\mathbb{Z}\}\)
  • imaginary roots   
    • \(\{n\delta|n\in\mathbb{Z},n\neq 0\}\)
    • \(\delta=\alpha_0+\alpha_1\)
  • simple roots
    • \(\alpha_0,\alpha_1\)
  • positive roots

\[\Phi^{+}=\{\alpha+n\delta|\alpha\in\Phi^{0},n>0\}\cup (\Phi^{0})^{+}\cup \{n\delta|n\in\mathbb{Z},n> 0\}\]



fixing a Cartan subalgebra and its dual

  • H is a 3-dimensional space
  • basis of the Cartan subalgebra H (this defines C and l_0 also)

\[h_0=C-h_1 \\ h_1\\d=-l_0\]

  • basis of the dual of H \[\omega_0,\alpha_0,\alpha_1\]
  • pairing

$$ \begin{array}{c|ccc} {} & \alpha _0 & \alpha _1 & \omega _0 \\ \hline h_0 & 2 & -2 & 1 \\ h_1 & -2 & 2 &0 \\ d & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ \end{array} $$

  • dual basis for H \[\omega_0,\omega_1=\omega_0+\frac{1}{2}\alpha_1,\delta=\alpha_0+\alpha_1\]

$$ \begin{array}{c|ccc} {} & \omega_0 & \omega_1 & \delta \\ \hline h_0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ h_1 & 0 & 1 &0 \\ d & 0 & 0 & a_0=1 \\ \end{array} $$

  • Weyl vector \[\rho=\omega_0+\omega_1=2\omega_0+\frac{1}{2}\alpha_1\]


killing form

  • invariant symmetric non-deg bilinear forms, $\langle h_i,h_j\rangle =A_{ij}$, $\langle h_0,d\rangle =1$, $\langle h_1,d\rangle =0$, $\langle d,d\rangle =0$,
  • with centers (note that $C=h_0+h_1$), $\langle C,h_0\rangle =0$, $\langle C,h_1\rangle =0$, $\langle C,d\rangle =1$,


explicit construction

  • start with a semisimple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ with invariant form $\langle \cdot,\cdot\rangle $,
  • make a vector space from it,
  • Construct a Loop algbera $\mathfrak{g}\otimes\mathbb{C}[t,t^{-1}]$
  • Let $\alpha(m)=\alpha\otimes t^m$,
  • Add a central element to get a central extension $\mathfrak{g}\otimes\mathbb{C}[t,t^{-1}]\oplus\mathbb{C}c$, and give a bracket $$[E(m),F(n)]=H\otimes t^{m+n}+m\delta_{m,-n}c$$

$$[H(m),E(n)]=2E\otimes t^{m+n}$$ $$[H(m),F(n)]=-2F\otimes t^{m+n}$$ $$[E(m),E(n)]=[F(m),F(n)]=0$$ $$\langle c,\mathfrak{g}\otimes\mathbb{C}[t,t^{-1}]\oplus\mathbb{C}c\rangle =0$$

  • Add a derivation $d$, $d=t\frac{d}{dt}$ to get $\mathfrak{g}\otimes\mathbb{C}[t,t^{-1}]\oplus\mathbb{C}c \oplus\mathbb{C}d$

$$d(\alpha(n))=n\alpha(n)$$ $$d(c)=0$$ $$\langle c,d\rangle =0$$

  • Define a Lie bracket $[d,x]=d(x)$

level k highest weight representation

  • integrable highest weight

\[\lambda=\lambda_{0}\omega_0+\lambda_{1}\omega_1,\quad \lambda_{i}\in\mathbb{N}\]

  • level


  • therefore \(\lambda_{0}\in\{0,1,\cdots,k\}\)

central charge

\[c_{\lambda}=\frac{k}{k+h^{\vee}}\text{dim }\mathfrak{\bar{g}}\]

  • conformal weight


  • definition of conformal anomaly


  • strange formula

\[\frac{\langle \rho,\rho \rangle}{2h^{\vee}}=\frac{\operatorname{dim}\mathfrak{g}}{24}\]

  • very strange formula
  • conformal anomaly


vertex operator construction


characters of irreducible representations

$$ \operatorname{ch} L(\lambda)=\frac{\sum_{w\in W} (-1)^{\ell(w)}e^{w\cdot \lambda}}{\prod_{\alpha>0}(1-e^{-\alpha})^{m_{\alpha}}} $$

  • Let $M=M^{*}=\mathbb{Z}\alpha_1$
  • the affine Weyl group $W=t(M^{*})W^{0}$ where $t(M^{*})$ is the set $t_{\alpha} : H^{*} \to H^{*}$ given by

$$ t_{\alpha}(\lambda)=\lambda+\lambda(c)\alpha-\left (\langle \lambda, \alpha \rangle +\frac{1}{2}\langle \alpha,\alpha \rangle \lambda(c) \right)\delta $$

  • note that this is linear
  • $\rho=\omega_0+\omega_1=2\omega_0+\frac{1}{2}\alpha_1$
  • $s_{\alpha_1}(\omega_0+\omega_1)=3\omega_0-\omega_1$
  • in general

$$ s_{\alpha_0}(m\omega_0+n\omega_1)=-m \delta - m \omega_0 + (2 m + n) \omega_1\\ s_{\alpha_1}(m\omega_0+n\omega_1)=(m+2n)\omega_0-n\omega_1 $$

  • $t_{n\alpha_1}\omega_0=\omega_0+n\alpha_1-n^2\delta$
  • $t_{n\alpha_1}\alpha_1=\alpha_1-2n\delta$
  • $w\in W$ can be written as $(n\alpha_1,\pm 1)$

denominator formula

  • if $w=(n\alpha_1,1)$, $e^{w\cdot 0}=e^{w\rho-\rho}=e^{2n\alpha_1-n(2n+1)\delta}$
  • if $w=(n\alpha_1,-1)$, $e^{w\cdot 0}=e^{w\rho-\rho}=e^{-(2n-1)\alpha_1-n(2n-1)\delta}$
  • let us write down the Weyl-Kac denominator formula explicitly

$$ \sum_{w\in W} (-1)^{\ell(w)}e^{w\rho-\rho} = \prod_{\alpha>0}(1-e^{-\alpha})^{m_{\alpha}}\label{WK} $$

  • the LHS of \ref{WK} can be written as

$$ \begin{align} \sum_{w\in W} (-1)^{\ell(w)}e^{w\rho-\rho}&=\sum_{n}e^{2n\alpha_1-n(2n+1)\delta}-\sum_{n}e^{-(2n-1)\alpha_1-n(2n-1)\delta}\\ & =\sum_{n}z^{-2n}q^{n(2n+1)}-\sum_{n}z^{2n-1}q^{n(2n-1)}\\ & =\sum_{m}(-1)^m z^{m}q^{m(m-1)/2} \end{align} $$ where $z=e^{-\alpha_1}$ and $q=e^{-\delta}$

  • the RHS of \ref{WK} can be written as

$$ \begin{align} \prod_{\alpha\in \Phi^{+}}(1-e^{-\alpha})&=(1-e^{-\alpha_1})\prod_{n=1}^{\infty}(1-e^{-\alpha_1-n\delta})(1-e^{\alpha_1-n\delta})(1-e^{-n\delta})\\ & = \prod _{n=1}^{\infty } \left(1-zq^{n-1}\right)\left(1-z^{-1}q^n\right)\left(1-q^n\right) \end{align} $$ from \(\Phi^{+}=\{\alpha+n\delta|\alpha\in\Phi^{0},n>0\}\cup (\Phi^{0})^{+}\cup \{n\delta|n\in\mathbb{Z},n> 0\}\)


basic representation

  • Let $\lambda=\omega_0$
  • let us use the Weyl-Kac formula

$$ \operatorname{ch} L(\omega_0)=\frac{\sum_{w\in W} (-1)^{\ell(w)}e^{w\cdot \lambda}}{\sum_{w\in W} (-1)^{\ell(w)}e^{w\cdot 0}} $$

  • if $w=(n\alpha_1,1)$, $e^{w\cdot \lambda}=e^{w(\lambda+\rho)-\rho}=e^{-3 \delta n^2+3 \alpha _1 n-\delta n+\omega _0}$
  • if $w=(n\alpha_1,-1)$, $e^{w\cdot \lambda}=e^{w(\lambda+\rho)-\rho}=e^{-\alpha _1-3 \delta n^2+3 \alpha _1 n+\delta n+\omega _0}$
  • we get

$$ \operatorname{ch} L(\omega_0)=\frac{\sum_{w\in W} (-1)^{\ell(w)}e^{w\cdot \lambda}}{\sum_{w\in W} (-1)^{\ell(w)}e^{w\cdot 0}} $$

  • this can be rewritten as

$$ \operatorname{ch} L(\omega_0)=\frac{\sum_{\mu\in Q}e^{\omega_0+\mu-\frac{1}{2}\langle \mu,\mu \rangle \delta}}{\prod_{k>0}(1-q^k)}=\frac{e^{\omega_0}\sum _{n=-\infty }^{\infty } z^{-n} q^{n^2}}{(q;q)_{\infty }} $$ where $z=e^{-\alpha_1}, q = e^{−\delta}$.

highest weight representations

  • level $k$
  • highest weight $\omega=(k-l)\omega_0+l\omega_1$
  • character

$$ \chi(L(\omega))=\frac{\theta_{k+2,l+1}-\theta_{k+2,-l-1}}{\theta_{2,1}-\theta_{2,-1}} $$ where $$ \theta_{k,l}=\sum_{r\in \mathbb{Z}+\frac{l}{2k}}e^{kr}q^{kr^2} $$

related items


computational resource



  • Gannon 190p, 193p, 196p,371p



  • Bakalov, Bojko, and Daniel Fleisher. “Bosonizations of $\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_2$ and Integrable Hierarchies.” arXiv:1407.5335 [math], July 20, 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1407.5335.
  • Dong, Jilan, and Naihuan Jing. 2014. “Realizations of Affine Lie Algebra A_^(1) at Negative Levels.” arXiv:1405.0339 [hep-Th], May. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-55361-5_36. http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.0339.
  • Lepowsky, James, and Robert Lee Wilson. 1978. “Construction of the affine Lie algebraA 1 (1)”. Communications in Mathematical Physics 62 (1): 43-53. doi:10.1007/BF01940329.