"표준편차, 최소자승과 최소절대값"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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55번째 줄: 55번째 줄:
<h5>관련도서 및 추천도서</h5>
<h5>관련도서 및 추천도서</h5>
The History of Statistics: The Measurement of Uncertainty before 1900”도서내검색<br>
** http://books.google.com/books?q=
** http://books.google.com/books?q=
** http://book.daum.net/search/contentSearch.do?query=
** http://book.daum.net/search/contentSearch.do?query=
66번째 줄: 66번째 줄:
<h5>참고할만한 자료</h5>
<h5>참고할만한 자료</h5>
* On the history of the principle of least squares<br>
* [http://www.springerlink.com/content/g6015667n318568j/ On the history of the principle of least squares]<br>
** Oscar Sheynin
** Archive for History of Exact Sciences, Volume 46, Number 1 / 1993년 3월
* [http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%B5%9C%EC%86%8C%EC%9E%90%EC%8A%B9%EB%B2%95 http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/최소자승법]
* [http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%B5%9C%EC%86%8C%EC%9E%90%EC%8A%B9%EB%B2%95 http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/최소자승법]
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
93번째 줄: 94번째 줄:
* [http://healthcare-economist.com/2009/03/23/the-history-of-least-squares/ The History of Least Squares]<br>
** Healthcare Economist, 2009-3-23
* [http://www.rasmusen.org/x/2006/11/02/why-least-squares-not-least-absolute-deviations/ Why Least Squares, Not Least Absolute Deviations?]<br>
* [http://www.rasmusen.org/x/2006/11/02/why-least-squares-not-least-absolute-deviations/ Why Least Squares, Not Least Absolute Deviations?]<br>
** [http://www.rasmusen.org/x/ Eric Rasmusen’s Weblog], 2006-11-2<br>
** [http://www.rasmusen.org/x/ Eric Rasmusen’s Weblog], 2006-11-2<br>

2009년 4월 22일 (수) 15:59 판

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