"Virasoro algebra"의 두 판 사이의 차이
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2009년 7월 28일 (화) 14:11 판
Unitarity and Ghost
- Unitarity means the inner product in the space of states is positive definite (or semi-positive definite)
- A state with negative norm is called a ghost.
- If a ghost is found on any level the represetation cannot occur in a unitary theory
Verma module
- start with given c and h
- construct \(M(c,h)\)
- contains a unique maximal submodule, and its quotient is the unique (up to isomorphism) irreducible representation with highest weight
- When is \(M(c,h)\) unitary?
unitary representations
- They are classified by c>1 and c<1 case.
- \(c> 1, h > 0\)
- \(c\geq 1, h \geq 0\)
- \(c>0, h >0\) with Kac determinant condition
- called the discrete series representations
- called the discrete series representations
Discrete series unitary representations
- c<1 case
\(m= 2, 3, 4.\cdots\)
\(c = 1-{6\over m(m+1)} = 0,\quad 1/2,\quad 7/10,\quad 4/5,\quad 6/7,\quad 25/28, \ldots\)
\(h_{r,s}(c) = {((m+1)r-ms)^2-1 \over 4m(m+1)}\)
\(r = 1, 2, 3,\cdots,m-1\)
\(s= 1, 2, 3,\cdots, r\)
관련된 다른 주제들
표준적인 도서 및 추천도서
- http://search.gigapedia.com/?q=
- http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=
참고할만한 자료
- Quantum Group Structure of the q-Deformed Virasoro Algebra
- Haihong Hu
- http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virasoro_algebra
- http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/search?a=&t=&c=&n=40&s=Listings&q=
- http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/search/publications.html?pg4=AUCN&s4=&co4=AND&pg5=TI&s5=&co5=AND&pg6=PC&s6=&co6=AND&pg7=ALLF&co7=AND&Submit=Search&dr=all&yrop=eq&arg3=&yearRangeFirst=&yearRangeSecond=&pg8=ET&s8=All&s7=