버치와 스위너톤-다이어 추측

http://bomber0.myid.net/ (토론)님의 2012년 1월 20일 (금) 10:39 판
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이 항목의 스프링노트 원문주소



  • 타원곡선의 rank는 잘 알려져 있지 않다
  • Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 추측은 타원곡선의 rank에 대한 밀레니엄 추측의 하나이다



  • \(E(\mathbb{Q})=\mathbb{Z}^r \oplus E(\mathbb{Q})_{\operatorname{Tor}}\)



타원곡선의 L-함수
  • Hasse-Weil 제타함수라고도 함
  • 타원 곡선 E의 conductor가 N일 때, 다음과 같이 정의됨
    \(L_p(s,E)=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} (1-a_pp^{-s}+p^{1-2s}), & \mbox{if }p\nmid N \\ (1-a_pp^{-s}), & \mbox{if }p||N \\ 1, & \mbox{if }p^2|N \end{array}\right\)
  • 여기서 \(a_p\)는 유한체위에서의 해의 개수와 관련된 정수



  • \(E(\mathbb{Q})=\mathbb{Z}^r \oplus E(\mathbb{Q})_{\operatorname{Tor}}\)의 rank r은 \(\operatorname{Ord}_{s=1}L(s,E)\)와 같다



Coates-Wiles theorem





The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture has been proved only in special cases :

  1. In 1976 John Coates and Andrew Wiles proved that if E is a curve over a number field F with complex multiplication by an imaginary quadratic field K of class number 1, F=K or Q, and L(E,1) is not 0 then E has only a finite number of rational points. This was extended to the case where F is any finite abelian extension of K by Nicole Arthaud-Kuhman, who shared an office with Wiles when both were students of Coates at Stanford.
  2. In 1983 Benedict Gross and Don Zagier showed that if a modular elliptic curve has a first-order zero at s = 1 then it has a rational point of infinite order; see Gross–Zagier theorem.
  3. In 1990 Victor Kolyvagin showed that a modular elliptic curve E for which L(E,1) is not zero has rank 0, and a modular elliptic curve E for which L(E,1) has a first-order zero at s = 1 has rank 1.
  4. In 1991 Karl Rubin showed that for elliptic curves defined over an imaginary quadratic field K with complex multiplication by K, if the L-series of the elliptic curve was not zero at s=1, then the p-part of the Tate-Shafarevich group had the order predicted by the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, for all primes p > 7.
  5. In 1999 Andrew WilesChristophe BreuilBrian ConradFred Diamond and Richard Taylor proved that all elliptic curves defined over the rational numbers are modular (the Taniyama-Shimura theorem), which extends results 2 and 3 to all elliptic curves over the rationals.

Nothing has been proved for curves with rank greater than 1, although there is extensive numerical evidence for the truth of the conjecture.






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