Complex hyperbolic geometry

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 11월 14일 (토) 01:12 판
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  • smallest volume of a closed, complex hyperbolic 2-manifold is \(8\pi^2\)
  • the smallest volume of a cusped (and so of any) complex hyperbolic 2-manifold is \(8\pi^2/3\)

minimal volume cupsed orbifolds

  • there are two cusped, complex hyperbolic orbifolds with volume \(\pi^2/27\)
  • Eisenstein-Picard lattice
  • Falbel, Elisha, and John R. Parker. 2006. “The Geometry of the Eisenstein-Picard Modular Group.” Duke Mathematical Journal 131 (2): 249–289. doi:10.1215/S0012-7094-06-13123-X.
  • Zhao, Tiehong. 2011. “A Minimal Volume Arithmetic Cusped Complex Hyperbolic Orbifold.” Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 150 (2): 313–342. doi:10.1017/S0305004110000526.

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  • Parker, John R. 1998. “On the Volumes of Cusped, Complex Hyperbolic Manifolds and Orbifolds.” Duke Mathematical Journal 94 (3): 433–464. doi:10.1215/S0012-7094-98-09418-2.
  • Hersonsky, Sa’ar, and Frédéric Paulin. 1996. “On the Volumes of Complex Hyperbolic Manifolds.” Duke Mathematical Journal 84 (3): 719–737. doi:10.1215/S0012-7094-96-08422-7.