Gauge theory

수학노트 (토론)님의 2009년 8월 20일 (목) 05:13 판
둘러보기로 가기 검색하러 가기
meaning of the gague invariance
  • gauge = measure
  • gauge invariance 란 measurement에 있어서의 invariance를 말함
  • Lagrangian should be gauge invariant.




examples of renormalizable gauge theory


Abelian gauge theory
  • abelian gauge theory has a duality



Non-Abelian gauge theory


differential geometry formulation
  • manifold \(\mathbb R^{1,3}\) and having a vector bundle gives a connection
  • connection \(A\) = special kind of 1-form 
  • \(dA\) = 2-form which measures the electromagnetic charge
  • Then the Chern class measures the magnetic charge.



Principal G-bundle



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