Classical mathematics

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 2월 16일 (화) 23:51 판
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  1. Note that the term ‘classical’ also has meanings within many specific fields of mathematics that may have nothing in particular to do with ‘classical mathematics’ as a whole.[1]
  2. In the 1920s David Hilbert (1862–1943), who was at the time one of the world's leading mathematicians, felt that Brouwer's intuitionist mathematics represented a threat to classical mathematics.[2]
  3. He came up with the so-called formalist programme to prove the consistency of classical mathematics.[2]
  4. This talk begins to shed some light on what happens in non-classical mathematics more generally (e.g. relevant mathematics, paraconsistent mathematics).[3]
  5. This webpage gathers the activities in non-classical mathematics following the first conference on non-classical mathematics held in Hejnice (Czech Republic), June 2009.[4]
  6. Meaning in Classical Mathematics: is it at odds with Intuitionism?.[5]
  7. to fuzzy set theory; my question to you: is fuzzy set theory a good example of non-classical mathematics?[6]
  8. (b) your "there is an interesting move afoot towards a very finitistic non-classical mathematics" is very flattering to me, thank you, Peter![6]
  9. While classical mathematics tends to absolute exactness in asymptotic mathematics the exactness in essence is limited.[7]
  10. This page is about our live online course in Classical Mathematics that we have since retired.[8]
  11. Classical Mathematics is an online four-year high school course which roughly follows standardized high school math curricula.[8]
  12. In Classical Mathematics, students study and learn essentially the same mathematical concepts and processes as they would in standard high school textbooks.[8]
  13. Constructive mathematics is distinguished from its traditional counterpart, classical mathematics, by the strict interpretation of the phrase “there exists” as “we can construct”.[9]
  14. The reader is warned once again to interpret this carefully within Brouwer’s intuitionistic framework, and not to jump to the erroneous conclusion that intuitionism contradicts classical mathematics.[9]
  15. Intuitionistic mathematics, recursive constructive mathematics, and even classical mathematics all provide models of BISH.[9]




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  • [{'LOWER': 'classical'}, {'LEMMA': 'mathematic'}]