Computational visualistics

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 2월 12일 (금) 09:16 판 (→‎메타데이터: 새 문단)
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  1. In analogy to computational linguistics, the artificial expression computational visualistics is used for addressing the whole range of investigating scientifically pictures "in" the computer.[1]
  2. The expression 'computational visualistics' is also used for a similar degree programme of the University at Koblenz-Landau.[1]
  3. Computational visualistics has been formed as a contributing field embracing all aspects of dealing with images computationally.[2]
  4. Applied to the concept "image", they determine the methodological core of computational visualistics.[2]
  5. In cooperation with other institutes our working groups are mainly responsible for the study course of computational visualistics.[3]
  6. The main topics of computational visualistics are the computer and visual aspects; on these we concentrate in research and techings and in practical applications in our labs.[3]
  7. You want to know more about computational visualistics?[3]
  8. The present special issue of IMAGE deals in particular with morphological questions taking the specific, formalizing perspective of computational visualistics.[4]
  9. In analogy to computational linguistics, the artificial expression ‘computational visualistics’ is used for addressing the whole range of investigating scientifically pictures “in” the computer (cf.[4]
  10. The present special issue of IMAGE deals with exactly that theme taking the specific, formalizing perspective of computational visualistics.[4]
  11. 1 Computational Visualistics Computational visualistics gains its name from its two parent disciplines: “computational” refers to the rather young discipline of computer science.[4]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'computational'}, {'LEMMA': 'visualistic'}]