모리스 클라인
이 항목의 스프링노트 원문주소==
An Interview with Morris Kline: Part 1
An Interview with Morris Kline: Part 2
Logic Versus Pedagogy[1]
Pea Soup, Tripe and Mathematics
Why Johnny Can't Add
Up to Chapter 2
Chapter 3:
The Origin of the Modern Mathematics Movement.
Chapter 4:
The Deductive Approach to Mathematics.
Chapter 5 & Chapter 6:
(Rigor & The Language of Mathematics)
Chapter 7 & Chapter 8:
(Mathematics for Mathematics' Sake & The New Contents of the New Mathematics)
Chapter 9: The Testimony of Tests.
Chapter 10:
The Deeper Reasons for the New Mathematics.
Chapter 11:
The Proper Direction for Reform.
Why The Professor Can't Teach.
Up to Chapter 2
Chapter 3:
The Nature of Current Mathematical Research.
Chapter 4: The Conflict Between Research and teaching.
Chapter 5: The Debasement of Undergraduate Teaching.
Chapter 6: The Illiberal Mathematician.
Chapter 7: The Undefiled Mathematician.
Chapter 8: The Misdirection of High School Education.
Chapter 9: Some Light at the Beginning of the Tunnel - Elementary Education.
Chapter 10: Follies of the Marketplace: A Tirade on Tents.
Chapter 11: Some Mandatory Reforms.
Bibliography and Index
사전 형태의 자료
- http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morris_Kline
- http://www.proofwiki.org/wiki/
- http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=
- The Online Encyclopaedia of Mathematics
- NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
- The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
Why Johnny Can't Add Up to Chapter 2 Chapter 3:
The Origin of the Modern Mathematics Movement.
Chapter 4:
The Deductive Approach to Mathematics.
Chapter 5 & Chapter 6:
(Rigor & The Language of Mathematics) Chapter 7 & Chapter 8:
(Mathematics for Mathematics' Sake & The New Contents of the New Mathematics) Chapter 9: The Testimony of Tests. Chapter 10:
The Deeper Reasons for the New Mathematics.
Chapter 11:
The Proper Direction for Reform.
Why The Professor Can't Teach.
Up to Chapter 2 Chapter 3:
The Nature of Current Mathematical Research.
Chapter 4: The Conflict Between Research and teaching. Chapter 5: The Debasement of Undergraduate Teaching. Chapter 6: The Illiberal Mathematician. Chapter 7: The Undefiled Mathematician. Chapter 8: The Misdirection of High School Education. Chapter 9: Some Light at the Beginning of the Tunnel - Elementary Education. Chapter 10: Follies of the Marketplace: A Tirade on Tents. Chapter 11: Some Mandatory Reforms. Bibliography and Index