열역학적 베테 가설 풀이(thermodynamic Bethe ansatz)

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2012년 12월 25일 (화) 16:10 판 (Pythagoras0 사용자가 열역학적 베테안싸쯔 문서를 열역학적 베테 가설 풀이(thermodynamic Bethe ansatz) 문서로 옮겼습니다.)
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  • 산란행렬로부터 바닥상태의 에너지를 비섭동적으로 계산할 수 있는 방법

basic notions for particle scattering

  • infinitely long cylinder of radius \(R\)
  • N species of particles
  • mass of particles \(m_{a}, a=1,\cdots, N\)
  • rapidity \(\theta\) (also called spectral parameter or wave number)
  • energy \(E=m_{a}R\cosh \theta\)
  • momentum \(p=m_{a}R\sinh \theta\)
  • energy-momentum vector \(p^{\mu}=(E,P)\)
  • S-matrix (factorizable scattering theory)
  • symmetric matrix kernel
    \(\phi_{ab}(\theta)=-i\frac{d}{d\theta}\log S_{ab}(\theta)\)
  • spectral density of particles \(\epsilon_{a}(\theta)\)
    • also called the pseudoenergy
  • Y-system \(Y_{a}(\theta)=e^{-\epsilon_{a}(\theta)}\) i.e. exponential of spectral density
  • ground state energy \(E(R)\)
  • scaling function \(c(R)\) related to the central charge
  • TBA equation
    • equation to find the spectral density functions \(\epsilon_{a}(\theta)\)
  • UV limit
    • plateau behaviour
    • \(\epsilon_{a}(\theta)\) becomes constant in a large region for \(\theta\) when r(inverse temperature) is small
  • IR limit


  • energy \(E=m_{a}R\cosh \theta\)
  • momentum \(p=m_{a}R\sinh \theta\)
  • in the CFT limit, we regard \theta \to \infty for right movers and -\infty for left movers
  • Thus we get, E=p and E=-p respectively in CFT limit

TBA equation

  • a system which interacts dynamically via the scattering matrix and statistically via Fermi statistics
    \(rm_{a}^{i}\cosh\theta = \epsilon_{a}^{i}(\theta)+\sum_{b=1}^{l}\sum_{j=1}^{\tilde{l}}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} d\theta' \phi_{ab}^{ij}(\theta-\theta')\ln (1+e^{-\epsilon_{b}^{j}(\theta')})\)
    where r is the inverse temperature and \(m_{a}^{i}\) the mass of particle (a,i)

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