Simple exclusion process

수학노트 (토론)님의 2011년 4월 28일 (목) 13:14 판
둘러보기로 가기 검색하러 가기
  • Bethe Ansatz and Exclusion Processes [1]
  • talk based on [TW2007]
  • exclusion rule forbids to have more than one particle per site
  • The simple exclusion process is a model of a lattice gas with an exclusion principle
  • a particle can move to a neighboring site, with probability p to right and probability q to left, only if this is empty.
  • special cases
    • symmetric exclusion process p=q=1/2
    • totally asymmetric exclusion process (TASEP)

particles jumping from left ro right or from right ro left with given probabilityes p and q (p+q=1)


G(x,t) = probability (x(t)=x | x(0) is distributed according to g(x) )

\frac{d}{dt}G(x,t)= L^{*}G




\thm (Tracy-Widom)

If G'(x,t) is the probability of observing x at time t, starting from y, then

G'(x,t) is given by \sum_{\sigma\in S_N}G_{\sigma}(x,t) with G_{\sigma} given by



Bethe ansatz






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  • Golinelli, Olivier, and Kirone Mallick. 2006. The asymmetric simple exclusion process: an integrable model for non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39, no. 41 (10): 12679-12705. doi:10.1088/0305-4470/39/41/S03




Lazarescu, Alexandre, 와/과Kirone Mallick. 2011. “An Exact Formula for the Statistics of the Current in the TASEP with Open Boundaries”. 1104.5089 (4월 27).



Johansson, Kurt. 2000. Shape Fluctuations and Random Matrices. Communications in Mathematical Physics 209, no. 2 (2): 437-476. doi:10.1007/s002200050027.

Tracy, Craig A., and Harold Widom. 2009. Asymptotics in ASEP with Step Initial Condition. Communications in Mathematical Physics 290, no. 1 (2): 129-154. doi:10.1007/s00220-009-0761-0.


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