Seminar topics on affine Lie algebras

imported>Pythagoras0님의 2015년 3월 3일 (화) 16:41 판 (→‎topics)
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Meetings: Thursdays 3-4:30 pm, Priestly Building Seminar Room 67-442


Kac-Moody algebras

affine Lie algerbas as central extensions of loop algerbas

Sugawara construction of Virasoro algebra

integrable highest weight representations of affine Lie algebras

Wess-Zumino-Witten model

Weyl-Kac character formula and modular transformations

fusion rules and Verlinde formula

vertex operator constructions of basic representations

future topics

  • admissible representations
  • Heisenberg or Virasoro?




  • Berman, Stephen, and Karen Hunger Parshall. ‘Victor Kac and Robert Moody: Their Paths to Kac-Moody Lie Algebras’. The Mathematical Intelligencer 24, no. 1 (13 January 2009): 50–60. doi:10.1007/BF03025312.
  • Dolan, Louise. ‘The Beacon of Kac-Moody Symmetry for Physics’. Notices of the American Mathematical Society 42, no. 12 (1995): 1489–95.