Derived functor
imported>Pythagoras0님의 2013년 10월 8일 (화) 10:15 판
- basic tool to define cohomology theory
- extend a left invariant functor to get a derived functor
- then we get a cohomology theory
- e.g. sheaf cohomology of a topological space X with coefficients in a sheaf $\mathcal F$ = the right derived functor of the global section functor
left invariant functors
global section functor
- a functor from sheaves on $X$ to abelian groups defined by
$$ \mathcal F \mapsto H^{0}(X, \mathcal F) $$
- $G$ : group
- from modules of $G$ to abelian groups
$$ M\mapsto M^{G} $$