안면 인식 시스템

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 12월 16일 (수) 08:44 판 (→‎노트: 새 문단)
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  • Ovomatch applies facial recognition to assisted reproduction treatments.[1]
  • The statistical analysis underpinning facial recognition and other similar technology is often referred to as a “black box”.[2]
  • But what if we continue to be seduced by the allure of facial recognition?[2]
  • The essay reviews some of the most advanced computational approaches for face recognition defined till date.[3]
  • Private industry and government are developing policies, principles and best practices for the appropriate use of facial recognition.[4]
  • No federal laws address commercial uses of facial recognition, but three states have privacy protections in place for consumers.[4]
  • This year, Washington state enacted one of the most comprehensive laws governing the use of facial recognition by government.[4]
  • He had favored a one-year moratorium on the use of facial recognition, due to concerns about bias in the technology.[4]
  • Facial recognition systems are computer-based security systems that are able to automatically detect and identify human faces.[5]
  • Recently, the focus on facial recognition systems has shifted to its use as a way to secure borders.[5]
  • Most people have seen facial recognition used in movies for decades (video), but it’s rarely depicted correctly.[6]
  • The detection phase of facial recognition starts with an algorithm that learns what a face is.[6]
  • Facial recognition’s first dramatic shift to the public stage in the US also brought on its first big controversy.[6]
  • In 2001, law enforcement officials used facial recognition on crowds at Super Bowl XXXV.[6]
  • Facial recognition has improved dramatically in only a few years.[7]
  • In ideal conditions, facial recognition systems can have near-perfect accuracy.[7]
  • In these cases, facial recognition is just a tool to speed human identification rather than being used for identification itself.[7]
  • Understanding the proper role of confidence intervals is essential when considering the way facial recognition is being deployed.[7]
  • While facial recognition may seem futuristic, it’s currently being used in a variety of ways.[8]
  • Other apps use facial recognition for the purpose of protecting your data.[8]
  • Even a secure password can’t protect your accounts and information from skilled hackers so people have turned to facial recognition.[8]
  • There are healthcare apps such as Face2Gene and software like DeepGestalt that use facial recognition to detect a genetic disorder.[8]
  • Facial recognition systems are built on computer programs that analyze images of human faces for the purpose of identifying them.[9]
  • That’s because facial recognition has all kinds of commercial applications.[10]
  • Facial recognition is a way of recognizing a human face through technology.[10]
  • A facial recognition system uses biometrics to map facial features from a photograph or video.[10]
  • A lot of people and organizations use facial recognition — and in a lot of different places.[10]
  • 93,95,128, Three-dimensional face recognition: In 2D image-based techniques, some features are lost owing to the 3D structure of the face.[11]
  • Information can also be shared between facial recognition systems by importing generic photo data in the JPEG format, etc.[12]
  • Face recognition is a method of identifying or verifying the identity of an individual using their face.[13]
  • Additionally, face recognition has been used to target people engaging in protected speech.[13]
  • Law enforcement agencies are using face recognition more and more frequently in routine policing.[13]
  • Face recognition has been used in airports, at border crossings, and during events such as the Olympic Games.[13]
  • A video doorbell with facial recognition will tell you, provided you’ve uploaded a photo of the person’s face.[14]
  • There have been reports that Israel is using facial recognition for covert tracking of Palestinians deep inside the West Bank.[14]
  • It’s not the only way the police use facial recognition.[14]
  • Police trials have highlighted further shortcomings of facial recognition.[14]
  • Being part of a biometric technology, automated face recognition has a plenty of desirable properties.[15]
  • Researchers, as well as civil-liberties advocates and legal scholars, are among those disturbed by facial recognition’s rise.[16]
  • The firm’s former head, Alexey Minin, said at the time that it was the world’s largest system of live facial recognition.[16]
  • In China, too, people have expressed discomfort with widespread use of facial recognition — by private firms, at least.[16]
  • Automated facial recognition was pioneered in the 1960s.[17]
  • LDA Fisherfaces became dominantly used in PCA feature based face recognition.[17]
  • To accomplish this computational task, facial recognition systems perform four steps.[17]
  • One advantage of 3D face recognition is that it is not affected by changes in lighting like other techniques.[17]
  • The solution utilizing live facial recognition performed exceptionally well at the rally.[18]
