놀라운 펜타그램 (Pentagramma Mirificum)

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2013년 11월 4일 (월) 05:01 판
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  • 구면 위에 주어진 직각삼각형에서 시작하여 얻어지는 펜타그램



  • 구면 위의 점 $R,S$
  • $RS$는 $R,S$를 지나는 대원
  • $R'$ : 꼭지점 $R$을 극점이라 할 때 적도에 해당하는 대원
  • $C_1\cap C_2$ : 두 대원 $C_1,C_2$의 교점

펜타그램의 꼭지점

  • 꼭지점 $P_1$에서 직각인 구면위의 직각삼각형 $P_1AB$
  • 구면 위의 꼭지점 $P_2,\cdots, P_5$를 다음과 같이 정의
  • $P_2=P_1A\cap A'$
  • $P_5=P_1B\cap B'$
  • $P_3=AB\cap A'$
  • $P_4=BA\cap B'$
  • 펜타그램 $P_1P_2P_3P_4P_5$의 각 꼭지점에서 모두 직각

놀라운 펜타그램 (Pentagramma Mirificum)1.png


Gauss was intrigued by the relationship of Napier’s spherical pentagram to his elliptical transcendentals. He realized that Napier’s pentagramma mirificum established that a spherical surface had an intrinsic five-fold periodicity. He saw this five-fold periodicity in light of a well known discovery of Apollonius that five points are required to uniquely determine a conic section. This distinguishes the general conic section from a circle, which requires only three points, and a line, that requires only two. Gauss recognized that the five-fold periodicity of the sphere and the five point determination of conics, reflected the distinction between the higher form of elliptical transcendentals and the lower form of transcendental associated with circular, hyperbolic and exponential functions.

관련된 항목들


매스매티카 파일 및 계산 리소스

사전 형태의 자료

리뷰, 에세이, 강의노트

  • Schwartz, Richard Evan, and Serge Tabachnikov. 2010. “Elementary Surprises in Projective Geometry.” The Mathematical Intelligencer 32 (3): 31–34. doi:10.1007/s00283-010-9137-8.
  • Geometric Unfolding of a Difference Equation E. Christopher Zeeman, K.B., F.R.S. UT San Antonio, March 10, 1997 / Trinity University, March 17, 1997


  • Schechtman, Vadim. 2011. “Pentagramma Mirificum and Elliptic Functions”. ArXiv e-print 1106.3633. http://arxiv.org/abs/1106.3633.
  • Coxeter, H. S. M. 1971. “Frieze Patterns.” Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Matematyczny. Acta Arithmetica 18: 297–310. https://eudml.org/doc/204992
  • Cayley, Arthur. 2009. “427. On Gauss’ Pentagramma Mirificum.” In The Collected Mathematical Papers. Vol. 7. Cambridge Library Collection - Mathematics. Cambridge University Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511703737.012.