Z k parafermion theory

imported>Pythagoras0님의 2014년 10월 12일 (일) 20:29 판 (→‎articles)
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  • parafermionic Hilbert space
  • defined by the algebra of parafermionic fields \(\psi_1\) and \(\psi _1^{\dagger }\) of dimension 1-1/k and central charge $$c=\frac{3k}{k+2}-1=\frac{2(k-1)}{(k+2)}$$
  • the highest-weight modules are parametrized by an integer (Dynkin label) $l$ with \(0\leq l < k\)
  • \(\mathbb{Z}_k\) parafermion theory is known to be equivalent to the coset \(\hat{\text{su}}(2)_k/\hat{u}(1)_k\)
  • Kac and Peterson (1984) obtained expression for the parafermion characters
  • Lepowsky-Primc (1985) expression in fermionic form
  • third expression


\(\mathbb{Z}_{n+1}\) theory

  • central charge\(\frac{2n}{n+3}\)


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