History of Lie theory

http://bomber0.myid.net/ (토론)님의 2012년 2월 10일 (금) 14:43 판 (피타고라스님이 이 페이지의 이름을 history of Lie theory로 바꾸었습니다.)
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1913  Cartan spin representations




Dynkin, The structure of semi-simple Lie algebras




history of theory of symmetric polynomials


From General Relativity to Group Representations



  1. A. Borel Essays in the history of Lie groups and algebraic groups ISBN 978-0-8218-0288-5 Covers the history.
  2. Elie Cartan Sur la structure des groupes de transformations finis et continus Cartan's famous 1894 thesis, cleaning up Killing's work on the classification Lie algebras.
  3. T. Hawkins Emergence of the theory of Lie groups ISBN 978-0-387-98963-1 Covers the early history of the work by Lie, Killing, Cartan and Weyl, from 1868 to 1926.
  4. N. Jacobson, Lie algebras ISBN 978-0486638324 A good reference for all proofs about finite dimensional Lie algebras
  5. Wilhelm Killing, "Die Zusammensetzung der stetigen endlichen Transformations-gruppen" 1888-1890 part 1part 2part 3part 4 Killing's classification of simple Lie complex Lie algebras.
  6. S. Lie, F. Engel "Theorie der transformationsgruppen" 1888 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3 Lie's monumental summary of his work on Lie groups and algebras.
  7. Claudio Procesi, Lie Groups: An Approach through Invariants and Representations, ISBN 978-0387260402. Similar to the course, with more emphasis on invariant theory.
  8. J.-P. Serre, Lie algebras and Lie groups ISBN 978-3540550082 Covers most of the basic theory of Lie algebras.
  9. J.-P. Serre, Complex semisimple Lie algebras ISBN 978-3-540-67827-4 Covers the classification and representation theory of complex Lie algebras.
  10. Hermann Weyl, Theorie der Darstellung kontinuierlicher halb-einfacher Gruppen durch lineare Transformationen. 1925-1926 I, II, III. Weyl's paper on the representations of compact Lie groups, giving the Weyl character formula.
  11. H. Weyl The classical groups ISBN 978-0-691-05756-9 A classic, describing the representation theory of lie groups and its relation to invariant theory