Chern-Simons gauge theory and Witten's invariant

수학노트 (토론)님의 2011년 10월 11일 (화) 05:34 판
둘러보기로 가기 검색하러 가기
  • 3D TQFT( Chern-Simons theory)
  • CS is an invariant for 3-manifolds
  • Kashaev Volume conjecture
  • action
    Let \(A\) be a SU(2)-connection on the trivicla C^2 bundle over S^3
    \(S=\frac{k}{4\pi}\int_M \text{tr}\,(A\wedge dA+\tfrac{2}{3}A\wedge A\wedge A)=\frac{k}{4\pi}\int_M \text{tr}\,(A\wedge dA+\tfrac{1}{3}A\wedge [A,A])\)
  • path integral gives Jones polynomials
    \(<K>=\int {\operatorname{Tr}(\int_{K} A)}e^{2\pi i k \opratorname{CS}(A)}DA=(q^{1/2}+q^{-1/2})V(K,q^{-1})\)
    \(e^{2\pi i k \opratorname{CS}(A)}DA\): formal probability measure on the space of all connections, coming grom quantum field theory and the Chern-Simons action
    \({\operatorname{Tr}(\int_{K} A)}\) : measures the twisting of the connection along the knot






M : threefold

\(P\to M\) : principal G-bundle



\(F=A\wedge dA+A\wedge A\)

\(\operatorname{det}(I+\frac{iF}{2\pi})= c_0+c_1+c_2\)

\(c_3=A\wedge dA+\tfrac{2}{3}A\wedge A\wedge A\)

\(c_2=\frac{1}{8\pi^2} \operatorname{tr} F\wedge F =dc_3\)

\(\int_M c_3\)



Morse theory approach
  • Taubes, Floer interpret the Chern-Simons function as a Morse function on the space of all gauge fields modulo the action of the group of gauge transformations
  • analogous to Euler characteristic of a manifold can be computed as the signed count of Morse indices




Chern-Simons and arithmetic
  • The Chern-Simons invariants of a closed 3-manifold are secondary characteristic numbers that are given in terms of a finite set of phases in the unit circle.
  • Hyperbolic 3-dimensional geometry links these phases with arithmetic, and identifies them with values of the Rogers dilogarithm at algebraic numbers.
  • The quantization of these invariants are the famous Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants of 3-manifolds, constructed by the Jones polynomial.
  • review conjectures regarding the asymptotics of the quantum 3-manifold invariants, and their relation to Chern-Simons theory and arithmetic.
  • We will review progress on those conjectures, theoretical, and experimental.
  • Garoufalidis, Stavros. 2007. “Chern-Simons theory, analytic continuation and arithmetic”. 0711.1716 (11월 12).









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