Simple exclusion process

imported>Pythagoras0님의 2016년 3월 8일 (화) 08:44 판 (section 'articles' updated)
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  • example of a non-equilibrium model in statistical mechanics
  • Gibbs-Boltzmann formation is not valid
  • exclusion rule forbids to have more than one particle per site
  • The simple exclusion process is a model of a lattice gas with an exclusion principle
  • diffusion
  • introduced in 1960's in biology for RNA
  • analysed in 1990's


  • a particle can move to a neighboring site, with probability p to right and probability q to left, only if this is empty.
  • special cases
    • symmetric exclusion process $p=q=1/2$
    • asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) $p\neq q$
    • totally asymmetric exclusion process (TASEP) $p=1,q=0$
  • for example, $\delta=\gamma=q=0$ model for traffic flow
  • particles jumping from left ro right or from right ro left with given probabilities $p$ and $q$ ($p+q=1$)

dynamical rules

  • $P(C,t)$ be the probability for configuration $C$ at time $t$
  • $P(C,t)$ is a solution of the master equation

$$ \frac{\partial P(C,t)}{\partial t}=\sum_{C':C'\neq C}P(C',t)W(C'\to C)-\left(\sum_{C':C'\neq C}W(C\to C')\right)P(C,t) $$

key concepts

spin chain

  • master equation and the formalism using the Hamiltonian of the spin chain
  • Heisenberg spin chain model can be viewed as a exclusion process (time evolution)

critical exponent

  • relaxation time $\tau$ towards equilibrium
  • spatial correlation length $\xi$
  • dynamical critical exponent $z$ given by $\tau \sim \xi^z$
  • for one-dimensional quantum spin chains $\tau \sim L^z$ where $L$ is the length of the spin chain

Bethe ansatz

$\tau$ is dominated by the eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian with the smallest real part

  • thus the finite size analysis of the Hamiltonian gives

$$ \Re(E_1)\sim \frac{1}{L^z} $$

  • so we need to compute $E_1$ to get $z$
  • this is where the Bethe ansatz comes in

two species model

  • two species asymmetric diffusion model that describes two species and vacancies diffusing asymmetrically on a one-dimensional lattice
  • use algebraic Bethe Ansatz
  • find the finite-size scaling behavior of the lowest lying eigenstates of the quantum Hamiltonian describing the model and compute the dynamical critical exponent
  • Multi-species asymmetric simple exclusion process



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