Virasoro algebra

수학노트 (토론)님의 2009년 7월 30일 (목) 14:25 판
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Unitarity and Ghost
  • Unitarity means the inner product in the space of states is positive definite (or semi-positive definite)
  • A state with negative norm is called a ghost.
  • If a ghost is found on any level the represetation cannot occur in a unitary theory



central charge and conformal weight
  • \(c\) is called the central charge
  • \(h\) is sometimes called a conformal dimension or conformal weights



Verma module
  • start with given c and h
  • construct \(M(c,h)\)
    • quotients from the Universal enveloping algebra
    • tensor product from the one dimensional Borel subalgebra representations
  • there exists a unique contravariant hermitian form
  • a natural grading given by the \(L_0\)-eigenvalues
  • contains a unique maximal submodule, and its quotient is the unique (up to isomorphism) irreducible representation with highest weight
  • When is \(M(c,h)\) unitary? 


unitary representations


discrete series unitary representations
  • c<1 case


\(m= 2, 3, 4.\cdots\)

\(c = 1-{6\over m(m+1)} = 0,\quad 1/2,\quad 7/10,\quad 4/5,\quad 6/7,\quad 25/28, \ldots\)

\(h_{r,s}(c) = {((m+1)r-ms)^2-1 \over 4m(m+1)}\)

\(r = 1, 2, 3,\cdots,m-1\)

\(s= 1, 2, 3,\cdots, r\)

  • Daniel Friedan, Zongan Qiu, and Stephen Shenker (1984) showed that these conditions are necessary
  • Peter Goddard, Adrian Kent and David Olive (1986) used the coset construction or GKO construction (identifying unitary representations of the Virasoro algebra within tensor products of unitary representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras) to show that they are sufficient.
  • constructed by GKO construction which uses the representation theory of affine Kac-Moody algebras


affine Lie algebras
  • the highest weight representation V of an affine Kac-Moody algebra gives unitary representation of the Virasoro algebra
  • This is because V is unitary highest weigh representation of the AKMA. 
  • Read chapter 4 of Kac-Raina on Wedge space



No-Ghost theorem


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