Non-unitary c(2,2k+1) minimal models

수학노트 (토론)님의 2010년 10월 9일 (토) 03:31 판
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central charge and conformal dimensions
  • central charge
  • primary fields have conformal dimensions
    \(h_j=-\frac{j(2k-1-j)}{2(2k+1)}\), \(j\in \{0,1,\cdots,k-1\}\) or by setting i=j+1
    \(h_i=-\frac{(i-1)(2k-i)}{2(2k+1)}\) \(i\in \{1,2, \cdots,k\}\) (this is An's notation in his paper)
  • effective central charge



character formula and Andrew-Gordon identity

p=2, p



different expressions for central charge
  • from above
    \(h_i=-\frac{(i-1)(2k-i)}{2(2k+1)}\), \(i\in \{1,2, \cdots,k\}\)
  • L-values



Dirichlet L-function

\(L(-1, \chi) = \frac{1}{2f}\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{\chi(n)}{n}\)

\(n\geq 1\) 이라 하자. 일반적으로 \(\chi\neq 1\)인 primitive 준동형사상 \(\chi \colon(\mathbb{Z}/f\mathbb{Z})^\times \to \mathbb C^{*}\)에 대하여 \(L(1-n,\chi)\)의 값은 다음과 같이 주어진다



여기서 \(B_n(x)\) 는 베르누이 다항식(\(B_0(x)=1\), \(B_1(x)=x-1/2\), \(B_2(x)=x^2-x+1/6\), \(\cdots\))


Let N=2k+1

\(\omega=\exp \frac{2\pi i}{2k+1}\)

G: group of Dirichlet characters of conductor N which maps -1 to 1

G has order k and cyclic generated by \(\chi\)




where j satisfies \(\chi(j)=\omega^{k-i}\)

Vacuum energy is given by




\(L(-1,\chi^{k})=\frac{N-1}{12}=\frac{k}{6}\),  the vacuum energy 


These are equal to \({h_i-c/24}\)



  1. k := 5
    f[k_, j_] := (2 k)/
       24 + ((2 k + 1)/12 - (j (2 k + 1 - j))/(2 (2 k + 1)))
    Table[{j, f[k, j]}, {j, 1, 2 k}] // TableForm
    Table[{j, -24*f[k, j]}, {j, 1, 2 k}] // TableForm
    d[k_, j_] := (2 (k - j) + 1)^2/(8 (2 k + 1)) - 1/24
    Table[{j, d[k, j]}, {j, 1, 2 k}] // TableForm
    Table[{j, -24*d[k, j]}, {j, 1, 2 k}] // TableForm
    cef[k_, j_] := -((j (2 k - 1 - j))/(2 (2 k +
             1))) - (1 - (3 (2 k - 1)^2)/(2 k + 1))/24
    Table[{j, cef[k, j]}, {j, 0, 2 k - 1}] // TableForm
    Table[{j, -24*cef[k, j]}, {j, 0, 2 k - 1}] // TableForm



  1. w := Exp[2 Pi*I*1/k]
    L[j_] := -(2 k + 1)/2*
      Sum[DirichletCharacter[2 k + 1, j, a]*
        BernoulliB[2, a/(2 k + 1)], {a, 1, 2 k}]
    c[k_, i_] := 1/(2 k) Sum[w^(i*s)*L[Mod[3*s, 2 k]], {s, 1, k}]
    Table[DiscretePlot[{Re[DirichletCharacter[2 k + 1, j, a]],
       Im[DirichletCharacter[2 k + 1, j, a]]}, {a, 0, 2 k + 1},
      PlotLabel -> j], {j, 1, EulerPhi[2 k + 1]}]
    Table[c[i], {i, 1, 2 k}]







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