Kostant theorem on Lie algebra cohomology of nilpotent subalgebra

imported>Pythagoras0님의 2016년 4월 25일 (월) 22:41 판
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  • one can use the BGG resolution and the fact that for Verma modules $H^i(\mathfrak{g},V(\mu))$ is $\mathbb{C}_{\mu}$ for $i=0$ for $i>0$.
  • this requires knowing the BGG resolution, which is a stronger result since it carries information about homomorphisms between Verma modules
thm (Kostant)

For a finite dimensional highest weight representation $V^{\lambda}$ of a complex semi-simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ $$ H^i(\mathfrak{n}^{+},V^{\lambda})=\bigoplus_{w\in W, \ell(w)=k}\mathbb{C}_{w\cdot \lambda} $$

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