Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 12월 16일 (수) 18:21 판 (→‎노트: 새 문단)
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  • TLR4 activation by LPS requires the involvement of the co-receptors MD2 and CD14.[1]
  • We hypothesize that HMGB1-dependent TLR4 activation is dependent on MD2 and CD14.[1]
  • The standards requirements for MD2, MD1 and MB class are identical providing the gross vehicle mass (GVM) is over 2500kg.[2]
  • NOTE MD2, MD4, and MD5 are recommended only for compatibility with existing applications.[3]
  • ® transducers for mid-band reproduction and the 2453H-SL for high-frequencies, the MD2 handles frequencies from 300 Hz to 20 kHz.[4]
  • The Discmania MD2 is the acclaimed classic midrange you can find in the bags of many players of various skill levels.[5]
  • The MD2 is a true throwers disc, i.e. it holds the given angle very well, whether hyzer or anhyzer.[5]
  • To identify the cellular source of MD2 in heart tissues, we performed immunostaining of tissue slices.[6]
  • Our results indicate co-localized MD2 immunoreactivity with cardiomyocyte α-actin and macrophage F4/80 marker (Fig. 1c).[6]
  • In addition, some MD2 staining labeled cells devoid of α-actin and F4/80.[6]
  • We investigated whether pharmacological MD2 inhibition by L6H21 also protects against the development of myocardial injury in diabetic mice.[6]
  • MD2 is specified in RFC 1319.[7]
  • In this paper, we show that MD2 does not reach the ideal security level of 2128.[8]
  • The description of MD2 is based on material prepared by John Linn and Ron Rivest.[9]
  • , the parameters for MD2 should have type NULL.[9]
  • The driver compiles for MD5 by default but can compile for MD2 or MD4 if the symbol MD is defined on the C compiler command line as 2 or 4.[9]
