Semidefinite programming

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 12월 17일 (목) 05:13 판 (→‎노트: 새 문단)
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  1. Semidefinite Programming is a rapidly emerging area of mathematical programming.[1]
  2. Semidefinite programming is a relatively new field of optimization which is of growing interest for several reasons.[2]
  3. Semidefinite programming has been used in the optimization of complex systems.[2]
  4. We hope that our algorithm and techniques open the door to improved solvers for positive semidefinite programming and its applications.[3]
  5. Financial applications of semidefinite programming: a review and call for interdisciplinary research.[4]
  6. A Voronoi-based method for land-use optimization using semidefinite programming and gradient descent algorithm.[4]
  7. (2020) Exploiting low-rank structure in semidefinite programming by approximate operator splitting.[4]
  8. Modal dynamic residual-based model updating through regularized semidefinite programming with facial reduction.[4]
  9. We focus on readers with a basic background in continuous Optimization, but without a previous knowledge in Semidefinite Programming.[5]
  10. A short overview on the theoretical and algorithmic results in the case of nonlinear semidefinite programming is also given.[5]
  11. The linear semidefinite programming can be intended as linear programming over the cone of positive semidefinite matrices.[5]
