
Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 12월 28일 (월) 02:07 판
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영화소개 및 영화정보 링크

수학과 관련한 대사

LAMBEAU : Have you ever heard of a man named Ramanujan? SEAN : Yeah. LAMBEAU (cont’d) : So this Ramanujan lived in a tiny hut in India. No formal education, no access to other works. But he came across an old math book and from this basic text he was able to extrapolate theories that had baffled mathematicians for years. SEAN :And he mailed it to Hardy– LAMBEAU : –That’s right, Sean. He mailed it to a professor at Cambridge who immediately recognized the brilliance in his work and brought Ramanujan to England. SEAN : Where he contracted pneumonia and died at a young age– LAMBEAU : They worked together for the remainder of their lives, producing some of the most exciting math theory ever done. Ramanujan’s genius was unparalleled, Sean. This boy is like that. But he’s very defensive and I need someone who can get through to him. LAMBEAU : He was alive over a hundred years ago. He was Indian. Dots, not feathers… Sean finishes the joke. Lambeau chuckles.

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