Surfaces with punctures

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 12월 28일 (월) 04:15 판
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surface with punctures

replace ideal triangulation by tagged triangulation


  • once-punctured monogon
  • once-punctured n-gon
  • self-folded
  • tagged arc
  • radius

tagged triangulation

  • two tagged arcs are compatible if (i) they do not cross (ii) they are not isotopic except
  • tagged triangulation
    • maximal collection of compatible tagged arcs

tagged arc complex

tagged arc complex is the clique complex where simplices are collections of compatible tagged arcs

\Theorem (Fomin, Shapiro, Thurston)

(S,M) any marked surface. Then there exists a cluster algebra associated to it,

tagged arc complex = cluster complex

tagged arcs,- <=> cluster variables

tagged flips <-> mutations