Calogero-Moser system

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 1월 2일 (토) 05:14 판 (→‎메타데이터: 새 문단)
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  1. Calogero–Moser system with elliptic potentials are studied.[1]
  2. The goal of the present lecture notes is to give an introduction to the theory of Calogero–Moser systems, highlighting their interplay with these fields.[2]
  3. The proposed project lies in the areas of integrable systems, and more specifically Calogero-Moser systems, Cherednik algebras and the theory of Frobenius manifolds.[3]
  4. This will also give a unified approach to the integrability of generalised Calogero-Moser systems.[3]
  5. We also present two important classes of new examples, a family of hyperbolic spin Calogero-Moser systems and the spin Toda lattices.[4]
  6. If G is a real reflection group, these families reduce to the known generalizations of elliptic Calogero–Moser systems, but in the non-real case they appear to be new.[5]



Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'calogero'}, {'OP': '*'}, {'LOWER': 'moser'}, {'LEMMA': 'system'}]



  1. The proposed project lies in the areas of integrable systems, and more specifically Calogero-Moser systems, Cherednik algebras and the theory of Frobenius manifolds.[1]
  2. This will also give a unified approach to the integrability of generalised Calogero-Moser systems.[1]
  3. Lie algebra coupled to the Calogero-Moser system of n interacting particles on the real line.[2]
  4. Calogero-Moser systems are classical and quantum integrable multiparticle dynamics defined for any root system Delta.[3]
  5. The associated integrable models (called integrable spin Calogero-Moser systems in the paper) and their Lax pairs are then obtained via Poisson reduction and gauge transformations.[4]



Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'calogero'}, {'OP': '*'}, {'LOWER': 'moser'}, {'LEMMA': 'system'}]