Classical Wiener space

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 2월 16일 (화) 23:47 판
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  1. Advanced stochastic analysis can be carried out on a Wiener space.[1]
  2. The classical definition of an abstract Wiener space is given as follows.[1]
  3. One of the developments of the notion of an abstract Wiener space is that of a rigged Hilbert space, due to I.M. Gel'fand and N.Ya.[1]
  4. The concept of an abstract Wiener space is mathematical construction developed by Leonard Gross to understand the structure of Gaussian measures on infinite-dimensional spaces.[2]
  5. The abstract Wiener space construction is not simply one method of building Gaussian measures.[2]
  6. The prototypical example of an abstract Wiener space is the space of continuous paths, and is known as classical Wiener space.[2]
  7. One studies three problems related to entropy phenomenon in the classical Wiener space.[3]
  8. We prove an extension of the Ocone–Karatzas integral representation, valid for all B V functions on the classical Wiener space.[4]
  9. We study several important fine properties for the family of fractional Brownian motions with Hurst parameter H under the p,r -capacity on classical Wiener space introduced by Malliavin.[5]
  10. Abstract: In this paper we define an integral transform, that generalizes several previously known integral transforms, and establish its existence and some properties on the classical Wiener space.[6]
  11. In this paper we define an integral transform, that generalizes several previously known integral transforms, and establish its existence and some properties on the classical Wiener space.[6]
  12. Chang, Kun Soo ; Cho, Dong Hyun ; Yoo, Il Evaluation formulas for a conditional Feynman integral over Wiener paths in abstract Wiener space .[7]
  13. We prove an extension of the Ocone–Karatzas integral representation, valid for all BV functions on the classical Wiener space.[8]
  14. We consider the Wiener product on the Wiener space which is the classical product of functionals.[9]
  15. Classical vector field on the Wiener space are random elements of the Cameron-Martin space which belongs to all the Sobolev spaces of the Malliavin Calculus.[9]
  16. To a 1-form smooth in the Nualart-Pardoux sense on the total Wiener space, we consider the 1-form on the finite dimensional Gaussian space.[9]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'classical'}, {'LOWER': 'wiener'}, {'LEMMA': 'space'}]
  • [{'LOWER': 'wiener'}, {'LEMMA': 'space'}]