가우스 소거법

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 2월 16일 (화) 23:53 판
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  1. Definitions, Solving by graphing, Substitition, Elimination/addition, Gaussian elimination.[1]
  2. This method is called "Gaussian elimination" (with the equations ending up in what is called "row-echelon form").[1]
  3. And Gaussian elimination is the method we'll use to convert systems to this upper triangular form, using the row operations we learned when we did the addition method.[1]
  4. Solve the following system of equations using Gaussian elimination.[1]
  5. Since the coefficient matrix has been transformed into echelon form, the “forward” part of Gaussian elimination is complete.[2]
  6. Gaussian elimination proceeds by performing elementary row operations to produce zeros below the diagonal of the coefficient matrix to reduce it to echelon form.[2]
  7. At this point, the forward part of Gaussian elimination is finished, since the coefficient matrix has been reduced to echelon form.[2]
  8. The previous example shows how Gaussian elimination reveals an inconsistent system.[2]
  9. These two Gaussian elimination method steps are differentiated not by the operations you can use through them, but by the result they produce.[3]
  10. If is possible to obtain solutions for the variables involved in the linear system, then the Gaussian elimination with back substitution stage is carried through.[3]
  11. More Gaussian elimination problems have been added to this lesson in its last section.[3]
  12. The difference between Gaussian elimination and the Gaussian Jordan elimination is that one produces a matrix in row echelon form while the other produces a matrix in row reduced echelon form.[3]
  13. Gaussian elimination, also known as row reduction, is an algorithm in linear algebra for solving a system of linear equations.[4]
  14. Some authors use the term Gaussian elimination to refer to the process until it has reached its upper triangular, or (unreduced) row echelon form.[4]
  15. The name is used because it is a variation of Gaussian elimination as described by Wilhelm Jordan in 1888.[4]
  16. If Gaussian elimination applied to a square matrix A produces a row echelon matrix B, let d be the product of the scalars by which the determinant has been multiplied, using the above rules.[4]
  17. Gaussian elimination is a systematic strategy for solving a set of linear equations.[5]
  18. So we have n2 equations for the n unknowns α 1 ,…,α n , which can be solved by Gaussian elimination.[6]
  19. Again by a Gaussian elimination we can solve these equations.[6]
  20. Standard numerical techniques are available for such problem, most of them based on the so-called Gaussian elimination or lower-upper decomposition (e.g., Riley, Hobson & Bence, 1977).[7]
  21. Technology note: Many modern calculators and computer algebra systems can perform Gaussian elimination.[8]
  22. To solve a system using matrices and Gaussian elimination, first use the coefficients to create an augmented matrix.[8]
  23. Matrices and Gaussian Elimination Construct the corresponding augmented matrix (do not solve).[8]
  24. Solve using matrices and Gaussian elimination.[8]
  25. Gaussian elimination takes on the order of n3 operations, for an n by n matrix; taking products in the obvious way takes on the same order of time.[9]
  26. We first present the steps of the Gaussian elimination algorithm in a rigorous manner, by listing them as if we were writing a computer program.[10]
  27. We are done with the penultimate row, so the Gaussian elimination algorithm stops.[10]
  28. We add times the second row to the third, and obtain We are done with the penultimate row, so the Gaussian elimination algorithm stops.[10]
  29. Now we will use Gaussian Elimination as a tool for solving a system written as an augmented matrix.[11]
  30. Solve the given system by Gaussian elimination.[11]
  31. Try It Solve the given system by Gaussian elimination.[11]
  32. Solving a 3 x 3 Dependent System Solve the following system of linear equations using Gaussian Elimination.[11]
  33. Gaussian elimination is performed in (n – 1) steps.[12]
  34. The process of using the elementary row operations on a matrix to transform it into row-echelon form is called Gaussian Elimination.[13]
  35. This applet is designed to automate the routine calculations inherent in Gaussian elimination.[14]
  36. If numerical analysts understand anything, surely it must be Gaussian elimination.[15]
  37. Gaussian elimination is an algorithm for solving system of linear equations.[16]
  38. This process is known as Gaussian elimination.[17]
  39. Gaussian elimination is used for solving linear equation to calculate Eigen values which reduces the computation cost of the CCA method.[18]
  40. In Gaussian elimination we always need to find the scaling factor by a division .[19]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'gaussian'}, {'LEMMA': 'elimination'}]