캘러-아인슈타인 다양체

Pythagoras0 (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 7월 10일 (일) 19:39 판 (→‎노트: 새 문단)
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  1. A complex manifold carrying a Kähler–Einstein metric.[1]
  2. A compact simply connected homogeneous Kähler manifold, called a Kähler C-space, carries a Kähler–Einstein metric with positive scalar curvature and has the structure of a Kähler–Einstein manifold.[1]
  3. Moreover, the following obstructions to the existence of Kähler–Einstein metrics are known (cf.[2]
  4. For more examples, see Kähler–Einstein manifold.[2]
  5. In a) and b) there is always a Kahler-Einstein metric by a theorem of Aubin and Yau.[3]
  6. In general the question weather a given Kahler surface admits an Einstein metric is quite subtle.[3]
  7. "Every compact, simply connected, homogeneous Kahler manifold admits a unique (up to homothety) invariant Kahler-Einstein metric structure"- this result can be found in Y. Matsushima.[3]
  8. A manifold is said to be Kähler–Einstein if it admits a Kähler–Einstein metric.[4]
  9. The most important problem for this area is the existence of Kähler–Einstein metrics for compact Kähler manifolds.[4]
  10. if and only if it is locally product (globally, if the manifold is simply connected and complete) of Kahler-Einstein metrics.[5]
  11. In the final section we shall prove the uniqueness up to equivalence of Kahler-Einstein metrics in a simply connected compact com- plex homogeneous space.[5]
  12. There exists a section 5 = SL of E such that KAHLER-EINSTEIN MANIFOLDS 165 <SX, F> = K(X, ) for all X, Y e (T).[5]
  13. The existence of a Kähler-Einstein metric when the curvature is negative or flat is known, thanks to the celebrated work of Aubin and Yau.[6]
  14. Due to the pioneering work of Donaldson et al, the existence of a Kähler-Einstein metric in this case is determined by an algebraic stability condition on the underlying Fano variety.[6]
  15. Our results extend to many other types of canonical metrics in Kahler geometry aside from Kahler-Einstein metrics.[7]
  16. In the 90's, Tian conjectured an analytic characterization of Kahler-Einstein metrics.[7]
  17. Tian also conjectured a Kahler-Einstein analogue of the well-known Aubin-Moser-Trudinger inequality in conformal geometry.[7]
  18. These classes contain Ricci-flat metrics, which in the limit collapse to a twisted Kahler-Einstein metric on the base (away from the singular fibers).[7]
  19. In this paper, we consider a generalized Kahler-Einstein equation on Kahler manifold M .[8]
  20. Complex Monge-Amp`ere equation, energy functional, generalized Kahler-Einstein metric, Moser-Trudinger type inequality.[8]
  21. 1 2 XI ZHANG AND XIANGWEN ZHANG (1.1) will be called by a generalized Kahler-Einstein metric.[8]
  22. In this paper, we consider the remained case k > 0, there should be obstructions to admit generalized Kahler-Einstein metrics.[8]
  23. Our main result is: Let N^2n be a Kahler-Einstein manifold with positive scalar curvature with an effective T^n-action.[9]
  24. This chapter discusses the recent progress on Kahler-Einstein manifolds.[10]
  25. It explores a brand new non-linear inequality on compact Kahler-Einstein manifolds.[10]
  26. The chapter establishes the stability of the underlying manifold if there is a Kahler-Einstein metric using previous result on the connection between Kahler-Einstein metrics and stability.[10]
  27. More than forty years ago, E. Calabi asked if a compact Kahler manifold M admits any Kahler-Einstein metrics.[10]
  28. An important recent development in geometry has been the announcement of two claimed proofs of a long-standing conjecture about the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics.[11]
  29. Then we use continuity method to study the deformation of weak conical Kahler-Einstein metric on Q-Fano variety.[12]
  30. During the period of our joint project on the Kahler-Einstein problem on Fano variety, they gave me very patient and friendly tutoring on both algebraic geometry and dieren- tial geometry.[12]
  31. If M admits a Kahler-Einstein metric with positive scalar cur- vature, then M is weakly K-stable.[13]
  32. Then M has a Kahler-Einstein metric if and only if M is weakly K-stable in the sense of Denition 1.1.[13]
