"Renormalization"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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2010년 4월 16일 (금) 12:28 판

  • way of pulling out sensible answers from Feynman diagrams that explode
  • there are two parts in the renormailization program
    • regularization - the divergences must be written down in some way so that they can be compared, added and subtracted
    • renormalization proper - the various divergences must be gathered together and extracted from the rest of the calculation



  • root of the problem
    • probability of creating particles of colossal energies
    • in terms of Feynman diagrams, the momentum in a loop can run away to infinity
  • dimensional regularization
    • regularization scheme (especially good in QCD)
    • regard the dimension as a continuous quantity
    • coupling constant changes accordingly as the dimension changes continuously
    • we get a new parameter called regularization scheme



QED renormalization
  • three basic divergent diagrams and three counter-terms to match and three infinite constants
  • electron self-energy diagram transforms the bare electron mass into the physical ones
  • vertex diagram links bare electri charge to phstical electric charge
  • photon self energy is related to the transformation of bare electric field strngth to physical field strength



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