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검색하러 가기
- way of pulling out sensible answers from Feynman diagrams that explode
- there are two parts in the renormalization program
- regularization - the divergences must be written down in some way so that they can be compared, added and subtracted
- renormalization proper - the various divergences must be gathered together and extracted from the rest of the calculation
- set of techniques used to understand a given quantum field theory in a certain energy or length interval
- effective ~ restricted to some interval
- easiest to grasp using functional integrals
- the values of observable quantities cannot depend on the way we've chosen to take the cutoff (regularize)
- introducing momentum or distance cutoff so as to render finite the large momentum or short distance limits of correlation functions
- methods of regularization
- momentum regularization (modify the propagator by introducing cutoff dependent mass couplings)
- lattice regulatization (replace \(R^d\) by a lattice, uses a small space cutoff)
- dimensional regularization
- root of the problem
- probability of creating particles of colossal energies
- in terms of Feynman diagrams, the momentum in a loop can run away to infinity
- dimensional regularization
- regularization scheme (especially good in QCD)
- regard the dimension as a continuous quantity
- coupling constant changes accordingly as the dimension changes continuously
- we get a new parameter called regularization scheme
QED renormalization
electroweak renormalization
- spontaneous local symmetry breaking or Higgs mechanism
- mass term for gauge field is zero in the Lagranaian, but these bosons (W,Z bosons) have mass term. To resolve this, we employ Higgs mechanism
- Renormalization: an introduction to renormalization, the renormalization John C. Collins
- Kevin Costello, Renormalization and Effective Field Theory
- 찾아볼 수학책
- Gerard t Hooft, Reflections on the renormalization procedure for gauge theories, arXiv:1604.06257 [hep-th], April 21 2016,
- Kasia Rejzner, Renormalization and periods in perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory,
- Polyakov, A. M. ‘Kenneth Wilson in Moscow’. arXiv:1502.03502 [hep-Th, Physics:physics], 11 February 2015.
- Guo, Li, Sylvie Paycha, and Bin Zhang. “Counting an Infinite Number of Points: A Testing Ground for Renormalization Methods.” arXiv:1501.00429 [math-Ph], January 2, 2015.
- Panzer, Erik. “Renormalization, Hopf Algebras and Mellin Transforms.” arXiv:1407.4943 [hep-Th, Physics:math-Ph], July 18, 2014.
- Huang, Kerson. 2013. “A Critical History of Renormalization”. ArXiv e-print 1310.5533.
- Pawlowski, Jan M., Michael M. Scherer, Richard Schmidt, and Sebastian J. Wetzel. “Physics and the Choice of Regulators in Functional Renormalisation Group Flows.” arXiv:1512.03598 [cond-Mat, Physics:hep-Th], December 11, 2015.
- Eröncel, Cem, and O. Teoman Turgut. ‘Exact Renormalization Group for Point Interactions’. arXiv:1412.8623 [hep-Th], 30 December 2014.
- Renormalization and quantum field theory R. E. Borcherds, 2010
- ID : Q281778
Spacy 패턴 목록
- [{'LOWER': 'effective'}, {'LOWER': 'field'}, {'LEMMA': 'theory'}]