"코딩 이론"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
* [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2317708 Coding Theory: A Counterexample to G. H. Hardy's Conception of Applied Mathematics]<br>
** Norman Levinson
** <cite>The American Mathematical Monthly</cite>, Vol. 77, No. 3 (Mar., 1970), pp. 249-258
*  오류가 발생할 수 있는 정보의 송수신을 어떻게 하면 효율적으로 정확하게 할 것인가의 문제에서 기원.
* [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2319929 Error-Correcting Codes and Invariant Theory: New Applications of a Nineteenth-Century Technique]<br>
** 클로드 섀넌의 정보이론
** N. J. A. Sloane
* 수학적으로는 유한체 위의 선형대수학
** <cite>The American Mathematical Monthly</cite>, Vol. 84, No. 2 (Feb., 1977), pp. 82-107
* 유한단순군, 이차형식과 밀접하게 연관되어 있음.
==선수 과목 또는 알고 있으면 좋은 것들==
* [[선형대수학]]
** symmetric bilinear forms
** duality
* [[추상대수학]]
** 유한체
* 푸리에 변환
* 포아송 summation formula
==중요한 개념 및 정리==
*  코드
** 이차형식에서 격자에 대응
*  코드의 weight enumerator
** 격자의 쎄타함수에 대응
* 코드 : 격자 = 코드의 weight enumerator : 격자의 세타함수
* 오류정정코드
* 코드의 weight enumerator
* [[맥윌리엄스 항등식 (MacWilliams Identity)]]
==코드의 예==
* [[해밍코드(Hamming codes)]]
* [[ 골레이 코드 (Golay code)]]
* [[리드-솔로몬 코드]]
==다른 과목과의 관련성==
* [[추상대수학]]
** 골레이 코드와 Mathieu 군(sporadic simple groups)
* http://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/MathSource/5085/
* [http://math.ucdenver.edu/%7Ewcherowi/courses/m5793/mariner9x.pdf Combinatorics in Space]
* http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbs=tl:1&q=shannon+coding
* http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbs=tl:1&q=
* [[수학사 연표]]
==관련된 항목들==
* [[아다마르 행렬 (Hadamard matrix)]]
===관련된 대학원 과목 또는 더 공부하면 좋은 것들===
* 정수계수 [[이차형식]]
* 세타함수와 Modular Forms
* [[Kissing number and sphere packings|Kissing numbers and Sphere packings]]
==표준적인 교과서==
* [http://www.amazon.com/Theory-Error-Correcting-North-Holland-Mathematical-Library/dp/0444851933 The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes]
**  Neil J. A. Sloane and Florence Jessie MacWilliams
**  책이 두껍고, 내용이 방대하므로 입문서로는 적절치 않고, 참고용으로 적합.
* [http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Theory-Error-Correcting-Codes-3rd/dp/0471190470/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1225090127&sr=8-1 Introduction to the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes]
** Vera Pless
** 입문용 교과서로 적합.
* [http://www.amazon.co.uk/Lattices-Codes-Partially-F-Hirzebruch-Mathematics/dp/3528064978 Lattices and Codes: A Course Partially Based on Lectures by F.Hirzebruch]
** Wolfgang Ebeling
** 정수계수 이차형식과 코딩이론의 내용을 함께 다룸.
** 정수론을 좋아하는 사람이 코딩이론을 배우고 싶다면, 도움이 된다.
* [http://www.amazon.com/Error-Correcting-through-Packings-Mathematical-Monographs/dp/0883850370/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1224572852&sr=8-2 From Error-Correcting Codes through Sphere Packings to Simple Groups]
** Thomas M. Thompson, 2004
** 코딩이론이 어떻게 유한단순군을 발견하는데 공헌을 하게 되기까지 벌어진 이야기들을 수학적인 설명과 함께 서술.
** 전공자는 물론 일반 독자들도 응용수학이 어떻게 순수수학의 발전을 가져올 수 있는지의 관점에서 읽어볼만함.
* [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2686661 Codes That Detect and Correct Errors]
** Chester J. Salwach
** <cite>The College Mathematics Journal</cite>, Vol. 19, No. 5 (Nov., 1988), pp. 402-416
==리뷰, 에세이, 강의노트==
* Elkies, [http://www.math.harvard.edu/~elkies/M256.13/index.html Math 256x: The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes (Fall 2013)]
* 정경훈, [http://navercast.naver.com/science/math/732 오류정정 - 수학의 쓸모], 네이버 오늘의 과학, 2009-7-7
* [http://www.ams.org/notices/200010/fea-elkies-1.pdf Lattices, Linear Codes and Invariants, Part I.]
** Noam D. Elkies.1238. NOTICES OF THE AMS. VOLUME. 47, NUMBER. 10.
* [http://www.ams.org/notices/200011/fea-elkies-2.pdf Lattices, Linear Codes and Invariants,. Part II ]
** Noam D. Elkies. 1382. NOTICES OF THE AMS. VOLUME. 47, NUMBER. 11.
* Philippe Moustrou, On the density of cyclotomic lattices constructed from codes, http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.00743v1
* http://arxiv.org/abs/1509.04764
* [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2686661 Codes That Detect and Correct Errors]
** Chester J. Salwach, <cite>the College Mathematics Journal</cite>, Vol. 19, No. 5 (Nov., 1988), pp. 402-416
* [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2317708 Coding Theory: A Counterexample to G. H. Hardy's Conception of Applied Mathematics]
** Norman Levinson, <cite>The American Mathematical Monthly</cite>, Vol. 77, No. 3 (Mar., 1970), pp. 249-258
* [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2321784 Error Correcting Codes: Practical Origins and Mathematical Implications]
** Vera Pless, <cite>The American Mathematical Monthly</cite>, Vol. 85, No. 2 (Feb., 1978), pp. 90-94
* [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2319929 Error-Correcting Codes and Invariant Theory: New Applications of a Nineteenth-Century Technique]
** N. J. A. Sloane, <cite>The American Mathematical Monthly</cite>, Vol. 84, No. 2 (Feb., 1977), pp. 82-107
== 노트 ==
# In most cases, such as in the Goldreich-Levin hard-core predicate construction, the coding theory interpretation became clear only in retrospect, but then it was essential for further improvements.<ref name="ref_0a733a05">[https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~luca/cs294/ C294 Coding Theory and Complexity Theory]</ref>
# Coding theory is the branch of mathematics concerned with transmitting data across noisy channels and recovering the message.<ref name="ref_ac885687">[https://plus.maths.org/content/coding-theory-first-50-years Coding theory: the first 50 years]</ref>
# Coding theory is about making messages easy to read: don't confuse it with cryptography which is the art of making messages hard to read!<ref name="ref_ac885687" />
# Not only has coding theory helped to solve problems of vital importance in the world outside mathematics, it has enriched other branches of mathematics, with new problems as well as new solutions.<ref name="ref_ac885687" />
# Coding theory is the study of the properties of codes and their respective fitness for specific applications.<ref name="ref_35bb78e3">[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coding_theory Coding theory]</ref>
# The purpose of channel coding theory is to find codes which transmit quickly, contain many valid code words and can correct or at least detect many errors.<ref name="ref_35bb78e3" />
# A code which is a subspace of that linear space is called a linear code, which codes are of special importance in coding theory and turn out to be interesting from a geometric point of view.<ref name="ref_314e6f48">[https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/computer-science/coding-theory Coding Theory - an overview]</ref>
# Coding theory, sometimes called algebraic coding theory, deals with the design of error-correcting codes for the reliable transmission of information across noisy channels.<ref name="ref_cccdcb81">[https://mathworld.wolfram.com/CodingTheory.html Coding Theory -- from Wolfram MathWorld]</ref>
# Here is a book in writing that develops the fundamental aspects of coding theory in a gentle manner.<ref name="ref_874edc05">[http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~venkatg/teaching/au18-coding-theory/ Introduction to Coding Theory, Winter 2010.]</ref>
# Starting from the basics of coding theory and some of the classic theorems of the subject, the course will discuss more recent progress on code constructions and error-correction algorithms.<ref name="ref_2954e246">[http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~venkatg/teaching/codingtheory/ Introduction to Coding Theory, Winter 2010.]</ref>
# There are many good introductory books on coding theory (see partial list below), but none of them have the same focus and goals as the course.<ref name="ref_2954e246" />
# We will cover several foundational methods that are widely used in modern research in coding theory and adjacent areas of CS and discrete mathematics.<ref name="ref_2f3b77a5">[https://user.eng.umd.edu/~abarg/ECC/ Coding Theory and Applications]</ref>
# The first part covers basic concepts of coding theory including linear codes and bounds on codes.<ref name="ref_2f3b77a5" />
# The course will take students to the forefront of research in some of the mentioned topics, enabling them to follow current research literature in coding theory and applications.<ref name="ref_2f3b77a5" />
# Sage provides an extensive library of objects and algorithms in coding theory.<ref name="ref_4ccd11e4">[https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/coding/index.html Coding Theory — Sage 9.2 Reference Manual: Coding Theory]</ref>
# Basic objects in coding theory are codes, channels, encoders, and decoders.<ref name="ref_4ccd11e4" />
# Over the past few decades, the term coding theory has become associated predominantly with error correcting codes.<ref name="ref_c0d808a7">[https://www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/Math/Aydin/Teach/Sp09/328/Intro.pdf What is coding theory and what is cryptography?]</ref>
# A good part of this course will be devoted to coding theory.<ref name="ref_c0d808a7" />
# The beginning: Claude Shannons 1948 paper A Mathematical Theory of Communication marks the birth of a new subject called Information Theory, part of which is coding theory.<ref name="ref_c0d808a7" />
# Thus, by the mid 1970s a very different form of common coding theory had become prevalent.<ref name="ref_29ee6482">[https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/mental-imagery/theories-memory.html Mental Imagery > Dual Coding and Common Coding Theories of Memory (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)]</ref>
# This book is intended to attract the attention of practitioners and researchers in academia and industry interested in challenging paradigms of coding theory and computer vision.<ref name="ref_60b0ebe5">[https://www.intechopen.com/books/coding-theory Coding Theory]</ref>
# The chapters in this comprehensive reference explore the latest developments, methods, approaches, and applications of coding theory in a wide variety of fields and endeavours.<ref name="ref_60b0ebe5" />
# All the chapters are authored by various researchers around the world covering the field of coding theory and image and video processing.<ref name="ref_60b0ebe5" />
# This book mainly focusses on researchers who can do quality research in the area of coding theory and image and video processing and related fields.<ref name="ref_60b0ebe5" />
# After introducing coding theory and linear codes these notes concern topics mostly from algebraic coding theory.<ref name="ref_3617d2a4">[https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783540063636 J. H. van Lint]</ref>
# One of the most important key technologies for digital communication systems as well as storage media is coding theory.<ref name="ref_4504311c">[https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Coding+Theory%3A+Algorithms%2C+Architectures+and+Applications-p-9780470519820 Coding Theory: Algorithms, Architectures and Applications]</ref>
# Algorithms, Architectures and Applications provides a concise overview of channel coding theory and practice, as well as the accompanying signal processing architectures.<ref name="ref_4504311c" />
# The book is unique in presenting algorithms, architectures, and applications of coding theory in a unified framework.<ref name="ref_4504311c" />
# It covers the basics of coding theory before moving on to discuss algebraic linear block and cyclic codes, turbo codes and low density parity check codes and space-time codes.<ref name="ref_4504311c" />
# Fueled by these new scenarios, coding theory remains a rapidly advancing area of research.<ref name="ref_9e2caf98">[https://icerm.brown.edu/topical_workshops/tw16-3-act/ Algorithmic Coding Theory]</ref>
# One trend in many of these new scenarios in coding theory is the need for algorithmic solutions.<ref name="ref_9e2caf98" />
# For many problems in coding theory, it is possible to come up with nearly optimal solutions (information-theoretically speaking) which are likely very hard for Alice and Bob to actually implement.<ref name="ref_9e2caf98" />
# The goal of algorithmic coding theory is to design solutions which are not only combinatorially good, but are also computationally efficient.<ref name="ref_9e2caf98" />
# Coding theory stands as a cornerstone for most of computer science.<ref name="ref_a239a722">[https://www.callibrity.com/blog/coding-theory-1-of-3 Coding Theory (Part 1 Of 3) - Coding Theory Defined]</ref>
# This three-part series of blog posts describes what coding theory is and delves into Richard Hamming’s contributions.<ref name="ref_a239a722" />
# If a person truly comprehends Hamming’s work, they can fully appreciate coding theory and its significance to computer science.<ref name="ref_a239a722" />
# This first installment of the series defines coding theory, error detecting codes, and error correcting codes.<ref name="ref_a239a722" />
# Offers a discussion of coding theory, which is often covered in today’s cryptology courses.<ref name="ref_8a4308e2">[https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/product/Trappe-Introduction-to-Cryptography-with-Coding-Theory-2nd-Edition/9780131862395.html Trappe & Washington, Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory]</ref>
# Through a rich, mathematically elegant set of techniques, coding theory has come to significantly influence the design of modern data communications, compression and storage systems.<ref name="ref_8bea5cb5">[https://icml.cc/Conferences/2019/ScheduleMultitrack?event=3508 ICML 2019]</ref>
# Predictive coding theory is a mechanistic theory: it aims to describe the neurocomputational machinery.<ref name="ref_157bf802">[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncom.2015.00111/full Is predictive coding theory articulated enough to be testable?]</ref>
# We consider this question as a central issue of the predictive coding theory.<ref name="ref_157bf802" />
<references />
== 메타데이터 ==
* ID :  [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q602136 Q602136]
===Spacy 패턴 목록===
* [{'LOWER': 'coding'}, {'LEMMA': 'theory'}]

2021년 3월 17일 (수) 21:37 기준 최신판


  • 오류가 발생할 수 있는 정보의 송수신을 어떻게 하면 효율적으로 정확하게 할 것인가의 문제에서 기원.
    • 클로드 섀넌의 정보이론
  • 수학적으로는 유한체 위의 선형대수학
  • 유한단순군, 이차형식과 밀접하게 연관되어 있음.

선수 과목 또는 알고 있으면 좋은 것들

중요한 개념 및 정리

  • 코드
    • 이차형식에서 격자에 대응
  • 코드의 weight enumerator
    • 격자의 쎄타함수에 대응
  • 코드 : 격자 = 코드의 weight enumerator : 격자의 세타함수
  • 오류정정코드
  • 코드의 weight enumerator
  • 맥윌리엄스 항등식 (MacWilliams Identity)

코드의 예

다른 과목과의 관련성



관련된 항목들

관련된 대학원 과목 또는 더 공부하면 좋은 것들

표준적인 교과서


리뷰, 에세이, 강의노트




  1. In most cases, such as in the Goldreich-Levin hard-core predicate construction, the coding theory interpretation became clear only in retrospect, but then it was essential for further improvements.[1]
  2. Coding theory is the branch of mathematics concerned with transmitting data across noisy channels and recovering the message.[2]
  3. Coding theory is about making messages easy to read: don't confuse it with cryptography which is the art of making messages hard to read![2]
  4. Not only has coding theory helped to solve problems of vital importance in the world outside mathematics, it has enriched other branches of mathematics, with new problems as well as new solutions.[2]
  5. Coding theory is the study of the properties of codes and their respective fitness for specific applications.[3]
  6. The purpose of channel coding theory is to find codes which transmit quickly, contain many valid code words and can correct or at least detect many errors.[3]
  7. A code which is a subspace of that linear space is called a linear code, which codes are of special importance in coding theory and turn out to be interesting from a geometric point of view.[4]
  8. Coding theory, sometimes called algebraic coding theory, deals with the design of error-correcting codes for the reliable transmission of information across noisy channels.[5]
  9. Here is a book in writing that develops the fundamental aspects of coding theory in a gentle manner.[6]
  10. Starting from the basics of coding theory and some of the classic theorems of the subject, the course will discuss more recent progress on code constructions and error-correction algorithms.[7]
  11. There are many good introductory books on coding theory (see partial list below), but none of them have the same focus and goals as the course.[7]
  12. We will cover several foundational methods that are widely used in modern research in coding theory and adjacent areas of CS and discrete mathematics.[8]
  13. The first part covers basic concepts of coding theory including linear codes and bounds on codes.[8]
  14. The course will take students to the forefront of research in some of the mentioned topics, enabling them to follow current research literature in coding theory and applications.[8]
  15. Sage provides an extensive library of objects and algorithms in coding theory.[9]
  16. Basic objects in coding theory are codes, channels, encoders, and decoders.[9]
  17. Over the past few decades, the term coding theory has become associated predominantly with error correcting codes.[10]
  18. A good part of this course will be devoted to coding theory.[10]
  19. The beginning: Claude Shannons 1948 paper A Mathematical Theory of Communication marks the birth of a new subject called Information Theory, part of which is coding theory.[10]
  20. Thus, by the mid 1970s a very different form of common coding theory had become prevalent.[11]
  21. This book is intended to attract the attention of practitioners and researchers in academia and industry interested in challenging paradigms of coding theory and computer vision.[12]
  22. The chapters in this comprehensive reference explore the latest developments, methods, approaches, and applications of coding theory in a wide variety of fields and endeavours.[12]
  23. All the chapters are authored by various researchers around the world covering the field of coding theory and image and video processing.[12]
  24. This book mainly focusses on researchers who can do quality research in the area of coding theory and image and video processing and related fields.[12]
  25. After introducing coding theory and linear codes these notes concern topics mostly from algebraic coding theory.[13]
  26. One of the most important key technologies for digital communication systems as well as storage media is coding theory.[14]
  27. Algorithms, Architectures and Applications provides a concise overview of channel coding theory and practice, as well as the accompanying signal processing architectures.[14]
  28. The book is unique in presenting algorithms, architectures, and applications of coding theory in a unified framework.[14]
  29. It covers the basics of coding theory before moving on to discuss algebraic linear block and cyclic codes, turbo codes and low density parity check codes and space-time codes.[14]
  30. Fueled by these new scenarios, coding theory remains a rapidly advancing area of research.[15]
  31. One trend in many of these new scenarios in coding theory is the need for algorithmic solutions.[15]
  32. For many problems in coding theory, it is possible to come up with nearly optimal solutions (information-theoretically speaking) which are likely very hard for Alice and Bob to actually implement.[15]
  33. The goal of algorithmic coding theory is to design solutions which are not only combinatorially good, but are also computationally efficient.[15]
  34. Coding theory stands as a cornerstone for most of computer science.[16]
  35. This three-part series of blog posts describes what coding theory is and delves into Richard Hamming’s contributions.[16]
  36. If a person truly comprehends Hamming’s work, they can fully appreciate coding theory and its significance to computer science.[16]
  37. This first installment of the series defines coding theory, error detecting codes, and error correcting codes.[16]
  38. Offers a discussion of coding theory, which is often covered in today’s cryptology courses.[17]
  39. Through a rich, mathematically elegant set of techniques, coding theory has come to significantly influence the design of modern data communications, compression and storage systems.[18]
  40. Predictive coding theory is a mechanistic theory: it aims to describe the neurocomputational machinery.[19]
  41. We consider this question as a central issue of the predictive coding theory.[19]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'coding'}, {'LEMMA': 'theory'}]