"타일링과 테셀레이션"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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==이 항목의 스프링노트 원문주소==
* [[타일링과 테셀레이션]]
* 테셀레이션 - 동일한 모양을 이용해 평면이나 공간을 빈틈이나 겹쳐지는 부분 없이 채우는 것<br>
* 테셀레이션 - 동일한 모양을 이용해 평면이나 공간을 빈틈이나 겹쳐지는 부분 없이 채우는 것
* [[2차원 평면의 테셀레이션]]
==2차원 평면의 테셀레이션==
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! 평면기하학
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(6 3 2)라는 녀석에 대해서 해보면, <math>\frac{\pi}{6}+\frac{\pi}{3}+\frac{\pi}{2}=\pi</math> 가 되어 삼각형이 세 각의 합이 180도가 됨을 확인할 수 있다.
'''평면의 곡률이 0 이기 때문에 나타나는 현상이다.'''
* [http://westy31.home.xs4all.nl/Geometry/Geometry.html Platonic tilings of Riemann surfaces]
* Gerard Westendorp [http://www.xs4all.nl/%7Ewesty31/Geometry/Geometry.html Platonic tilings of Riemann surfaces]
* 타일링 http://www.flickr.com/photos/syngola/sets/72157603528308920/
* 타일링 http://www.flickr.com/photos/syngola/sets/72157603528308920/
* 이슬람의 문양에서 많이 발견됨.
* 이슬람의 문양에서 많이 발견됨.
71번째 줄: 15번째 줄:
* [http://tilings.math.uni-bielefeld.de/ Tilings Encyclopedia]
* [http://tilings.math.uni-bielefeld.de/ Tilings Encyclopedia]
* http://mathoverflow.net/questions/46502/on-the-number-of-archimedean-solids
* http://mathoverflow.net/questions/46502/on-the-number-of-archimedean-solids
* [[준결정 (quasicrystal)]]
==== 하위페이지 ====
* [[타일링과 테셀레이션]]<br>
==하위페이지 ==
** [[17 Plane Crystallographic groups]]<br>
* [[17 Plane Crystallographic groups]]
** [[7개의 프리즈 패턴]]<br>
* [[7개의 프리즈 패턴]]
** [[아르키메데스 타일링]]<br>
* [[아르키메데스 타일링]]
** [[정다면체]]<br>
* [[정다면체]]
* [[2차원 쌍곡기하학의 테셀레이션]]
==관련된 항목들==
==관련된 항목들==
* [[반사 변환]]
* [[반전사상(inversion)]]
* [[반전 사상(inversion)]]
* [[유한반사군과 콕세터군(finite reflection groups and Coxeter groups)]]
* [[축구공의 수학]]
* [[축구공의 수학]]
==사전 형태의 자료==
==사전 형태의 자료==
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domino_%28mathematics%29
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domino_%28mathematics%29
* http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TruchetTiling.html
* http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TruchetTiling.html
* http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
* [http://eom.springer.de/default.htm The Online Encyclopaedia of Mathematics]
* [http://dlmf.nist.gov/ NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions]
==에세이, 리뷰, 강의노트==
* Dana Mackenzie, [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2974640 A Hyperbolic Plane Coloring and the Simple Group of Order 168], The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 102, No. 8 (Oct., 1995), pp. 706-715
* 도서내검색<br>
** http://books.google.com/books?q=
** http://book.daum.net/search/contentSearch.do?query=
*  도서검색<br>
** http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=
** http://book.daum.net/search/mainSearch.do?query=
* Nelson, Roice, and Henry Segerman. “Visualizing Hyperbolic Honeycombs.” arXiv:1511.02851 [math], November 7, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.02851.
*  Mendelsohn, N. S. 2004. “Tiling with Dominoes”. <em>The College Mathematics Journal</em> 35 (2) (3월 1): 115-120. doi:10.2307/4146865.<br>
* Gao, Honghao, Nan Shi, and Min Yan. 2013. “Spherical Tiling by 12 Congruent Pentagons.” Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 120 (4): 744–76. doi:10.1016/j.jcta.2012.12.006.
* [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2974640 A Hyperbolic Plane Coloring and the Simple Group of Order 168]<br>
*  Mendelsohn, N. S. 2004. “Tiling with Dominoes”. <em>The College Mathematics Journal</em> 35 (2) (3월 1): 115-120. doi:10.2307/4146865.
** Dana Mackenzie
** The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 102, No. 8 (Oct., 1995), pp. 706-715
138번째 줄: 58번째 줄:
* [http://www.segye.com/Articles/News/Society/Article.asp?aid=20070708000782&ctg1=09&ctg2=00&subctg1=09&subctg2=00&cid=0101080900000&dataid=200707081658000177 [재미있는수학교실]빈틈없이 평면 덮기] 정미자 신림고 수학교사 세계일보, 2007-07-09
* [http://www.segye.com/Articles/News/Society/Article.asp?aid=20070708000782&ctg1=09&ctg2=00&subctg1=09&subctg2=00&cid=0101080900000&dataid=200707081658000177 [재미있는수학교실]빈틈없이 평면 덮기] 정미자 신림고 수학교사 세계일보, 2007-07-09
* [http://news.khan.co.kr/section/khan_art_view.html?mode=view&artid=200712040927211&code=900314 [예술속 수학이야기](45)에셔와 테셀레이션] 김정하·인천건지초등학교교사 경향신문, 2007년 12월 04일
* [http://news.khan.co.kr/section/khan_art_view.html?mode=view&artid=200712040927211&code=900314 [예술속 수학이야기](45)에셔와 테셀레이션] 김정하·인천건지초등학교교사 경향신문, 2007년 12월 04일
*  네이버 뉴스 검색 (키워드 수정)<br>
** [http://news.search.naver.com/search.naver?where=news&x=0&y=0&sm=tab_hty&query=%ED%85%8C%EC%85%80%EB%A0%88%EC%9D%B4%EC%85%98 http://news.search.naver.com/search.naver?where=news&x=0&y=0&sm=tab_hty&query=테셀레이션]
** [http://news.search.naver.com/search.naver?where=news&x=0&y=0&sm=tab_hty&query=%EC%97%90%EC%85%94 http://news.search.naver.com/search.naver?where=news&x=0&y=0&sm=tab_hty&query=에셔]
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** http://news.search.naver.com/search.naver?where=news&x=0&y=0&sm=tab_hty&query=
153번째 줄: 64번째 줄:
* [http://bomber0.byus.net/index.php/2008/01/08/509 에셔의 예술에 공헌한 수학] 피타고라스의 창, 2008-1-8
* [http://bomber0.byus.net/index.php/2008/01/08/509 에셔의 예술에 공헌한 수학] 피타고라스의 창, 2008-1-8
* [http://bomber0.byus.net/index.php/2008/08/02/703 E8이란 무엇인가 (2) : 8차원에서 내려온 그림자] 피타고라스의 창, 2008-8-2
* [http://bomber0.byus.net/index.php/2008/08/02/703 E8이란 무엇인가 (2) : 8차원에서 내려온 그림자] 피타고라스의 창, 2008-8-2
== 노트 ==
# A semi-regular tessellation is made of two or more regular polygons.<ref name="ref_9bf0">[https://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/tessellation.html Tessellation]</ref>
# To name a tessellation, go around a vertex and write down how many sides each polygon has, in order ... like "3.12.12".<ref name="ref_9bf0" />
# 1953 ROTATION - A Tessellation which the shape repeats by rotating or turning.<ref name="ref_18a5">[https://sites.google.com/site/tessellationunit/tessellations/kinds-of-tessellations Kinds of Tessellations]</ref>
# A Tessellation which the shape repeats by reflecting or flipping.<ref name="ref_18a5" />
# A real physical tessellation is a tiling made of materials such as cemented ceramic squares or hexagons.<ref name="ref_fb35">[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tessellation Tessellation]</ref>
# Historically, tessellations were used in Ancient Rome and in Islamic art such as in the decorative geometric tiling of the Alhambra palace.<ref name="ref_fb35" />
# Tessellations are sometimes employed for decorative effect in quilting.<ref name="ref_fb35" />
# In 1619 Johannes Kepler made an early documented study of tessellations.<ref name="ref_fb35" />
# Tessellations are a fun, hands-on way to explore STEAM, whether you are in art class, math class, or in a STEM or STEAM classroom.<ref name="ref_3dd4">[https://stemactivitiesforkids.com/2019/10/08/create-a-simple-tessellation/ Create a Simple Tessellation]</ref>
# Tessellations are patterns resulting from arranging, or tiling, shapes without any gaps.<ref name="ref_3dd4" />
# This is the type of tessellation you can make easily with a sticky note (as shown below).<ref name="ref_3dd4" />
# Rotation tessellations are accomplished by (you guessed it!) rotating the tessellated shape.<ref name="ref_3dd4" />
# A tiling of regular polygons (in two dimensions), polyhedra (three dimensions), or polytopes ( dimensions) is called a tessellation.<ref name="ref_bd94">[https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Tessellation.html Tessellation -- from Wolfram MathWorld]</ref>
# In the plane, there are eight such tessellations, illustrated above (Ghyka 1977, pp. 76-78; Williams 1979, pp.<ref name="ref_bd94" />
# A tessellation of -dimensional polytopes is called a honeycomb.<ref name="ref_bd94" />
# The tessellation process is divided into three stages which form an optional part of Vertex Processing in the rendering pipeline.<ref name="ref_67b5">[https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Tessellation Tessellation]</ref>
# The amount of tessellation done in this case is taken from default values set into the context.<ref name="ref_67b5" />
# This stage is only executed if a tessellation evaluation shader (TES) is active in the current program or program pipeline.<ref name="ref_67b5" />
# The TES can also force the generation of the tessellation as a series of points rather than triangles or lines by providing the primitive.<ref name="ref_67b5" />
# But tessellations can be formed from multiple shapes.<ref name="ref_07ab">[https://www.dictionary.com/browse/tessellation Definition of Tessellation at Dictionary.com]</ref>
# The word tessellation can also refer to the act of tessellating—forming such a pattern.<ref name="ref_07ab" />
# Example: The building was designed to look like a tessellation in the form of a honeycomb pattern.<ref name="ref_07ab" />
# There are three regular shapes that make up regular tessellations: the equilateral triangle, the square and the regular hexagon.<ref name="ref_642a">[https://www.livescience.com/50027-tessellation-tiling.html Tessellation: The Geometry of Tiles, Honeycombs and M.C. Escher]</ref>
# Equilateral triangles, squares and regular hexagons make up regular tessellations.<ref name="ref_642a" />
# Semi-regular tessellations are made of more than one kind of regular polygon.<ref name="ref_642a" />
# Within the limit of the same shapes surrounding each vertex (the points where the corners meet), there are eight such tessellations.<ref name="ref_642a" />
# : Create a tessellation by deforming a triangle, rectangle or hexagon to form a polygon that tiles the plane.<ref name="ref_a3d2">[http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/Tessellate/ Interactivate: Tessellate!]</ref>
# Tessellation is when shapes fit together in a pattern with no gaps or overlaps.<ref name="ref_411d">[https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjv39j6/articles/zgxwfcw What is tessellation?]</ref>
# Alain Nicolas, the great French tessellation artist, has posted a gallery of new original tessellations that are quite amazing.<ref name="ref_58e7">[http://www.tessellations.org/ M. C. Escher and how to make your own Tessellation Art]</ref>
# Try coloring our new "Angry Birds" tessellation.<ref name="ref_58e7" />
# Brick walls, tiled floors, and the honeycomb in bee hives are all tessellations.<ref name="ref_58e7" />
# Yes, we'd be happy to post your class's tessellations in a "school gallery" on www.Tessellations.org.<ref name="ref_58e7" />
# We can study the way regular polygons interact with each other, and one way they can do so is through tessellations.<ref name="ref_cc9b">[https://www.starhop.com/blog/2020/4/3/at-home-stem-activities-tessellations At-Home STEM Activities: Tessellations—Exploration and M.C. Escher-Inspired Drawing — McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center]</ref>
# A regular tessellation is one made using only one regular polygon.<ref name="ref_cc9b" />
# A semi-regular tessellation uses two or more regular polygons.<ref name="ref_cc9b" />
# A tessellation is a repeated series of geometric shapes that covers a surface with no gaps or overlapping of the shapes.<ref name="ref_426d">[https://sciencing.com/rules-creating-tessellations-8736965.html Rules for Creating Tessellations]</ref>
# Tessellations are used in works of art, fabric patterns or to teach abstract mathematical concepts, such as symmetry.<ref name="ref_426d" />
# All regular tessellations must be made of regular polygons.<ref name="ref_426d" />
# However, not all regular polygons can be used to create a tessellation because their sides do not line up evenly.<ref name="ref_426d" />
# The words tessellate and tessellation come from a Latin word which means "small stones" and "to pave with small stones".<ref name="ref_0710">[https://www2.gvsu.edu/oxfordj/geom.html The words tessellate and tessellation come from a Latin word which means “small]</ref>
# We will now look at different types of tessellations that deal with regular polygons.<ref name="ref_0710" />
# A tessellation is a pattern of shapes repeated to fill a plane.<ref name="ref_1a7c">[https://www.math.net/tessellation Tessellation]</ref>
# Tessellations are something we often see in quilts, carpets, floors, and more.<ref name="ref_1a7c" />
# For the tessellation above composed of squares to the left, the sum of the angles at a vertex are 90°+90°+90°+90°=360°.<ref name="ref_1a7c" />
# A regular tessellation is made up of regular congruent polygons.<ref name="ref_1a7c" />
# That function computes triangle edge and inside tessellation factors.<ref name="ref_be88">[https://docs.unity3d.com/2019.3/Documentation/Manual/SL-SurfaceShaderTessellation.html Manual: Surface Shaders with DX11 / OpenGL Core Tessellation]</ref>
# This next example shows a surface shader that does some displacement mapping without using tessellation.<ref name="ref_be88" />
# This is not needed yet, but it’s more efficient for tessellation to use as small structure as possible.<ref name="ref_be88" />
# Purely distance based tessellation is effective only when triangle sizes are quite similar.<ref name="ref_be88" />
# As one journey — the classification of all convex polygon tessellations — ends, another is just beginning.<ref name="ref_1122">[https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tessellation Definition of Tessellation by Merriam-Webster]</ref>
# The squinting eyes, the jut of the chin, the precise tessellation of the lower lip and upper lip stay the same.<ref name="ref_1122" />
# Start with creating a tessellation shape using the "translation pattern" ( see the steps below ).<ref name="ref_4516">[https://juliannakunstler.com/art1_tessellations.html Tessellations. Art lesson.]</ref>
# There are few patterns that you can follow to construct a tessellation.<ref name="ref_4516" />
# This tessellation was based on a hexagon.<ref name="ref_4516" />
# Do you know what is the definition of tessellation and what does it take to create one?<ref name="ref_1428">[https://www.widewalls.ch/magazine/tessellation-mathematics-method-art Tessellation Patterns - From Mathematics to Art]</ref>
# A fundamental region is a shape that is repeated in order to form a tessellation.<ref name="ref_1428" />
# One shape of a tile in a tessellation is called a prototile.<ref name="ref_1428" />
# Based on the types of polygons, tessellations are classified as regular, semi-regular and non-regular or irregular.<ref name="ref_1428" />
# Therefore, these complex structures can be interpreted as interwoven tessellations of the α and β phases.<ref name="ref_134a">[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-07323-6 Two-dimensional tessellation by molecular tiles constructed from halogen–halogen and halogen–metal networks]</ref>
# 4e–g) reveal the detailed structures around the tessellation vertices.<ref name="ref_134a" />
# The angular sum of the polygons involved is therefore 360°, resulting in perfect tessellation.<ref name="ref_134a" />
# These complex tessellations can be regarded as two different phases interweaving in multiple ways.<ref name="ref_134a" />
# Here you can create your own tessellations using regular polygons.<ref name="ref_287d">[https://mathigon.org/course/polyhedra/tessellations Tessellations – Polygons and Polyhedra – Mathigon]</ref>
# At every vertex in the tessellation, the internal angles of multiple different polygons meet.<ref name="ref_287d" />
# Tessellations in Art Many artists, architects and designers use tessellations in their work.<ref name="ref_287d" />
# All the tessellations we saw so far have one thing in common: they are periodic.<ref name="ref_287d" />
# A tessellation of the plane is an arrangement of polygons which cover the plane without gaps or overlapping.<ref name="ref_6b1a">[https://tasks.illustrativemathematics.org/content-standards/HSA/CED/A/2/tasks/1125 Illustrative Mathematics]</ref>
# The goal of the task is to use algebra in order to understand which tessellations of the plane with regular polygons are possible.<ref name="ref_6b1a" />
# In particular, students, perhaps in groups, should be encouraged to produce their own (non-regular) tessellations of the plane.<ref name="ref_6b1a" />
# Tessellations and Fractals are two different art techniques that often get mistaken for one another despite being nothing alike.<ref name="ref_f164">[https://fractalerts.com/blog/tessellations-and-fractals/ Tessellations and fractals? What's the difference between the two?]</ref>
# Regular tessellations are tile coverings made up of only one shape.<ref name="ref_f164" />
# Semi-regular tessellations: When two or three different polygonal shapes share a common vortex, it is called a semi-regular tessellation.<ref name="ref_f164" />
# C. Escher used tessellation patterns extensively in his work, often to great effect.<ref name="ref_f164" />
# Tessellation is a system of shapes which are fitted together to cover a plane, without any gaps or overlapping.<ref name="ref_ef42">[https://nrich.maths.org/2577 Shaping up with Tessellations]</ref>
# The word tessellation itself derives from the Greek tessera, which is associated with four, square and tile.<ref name="ref_ef42" />
# Tessellations are a common feature of decorative art and occur in the natural world all around us.<ref name="ref_ef42" />
# Traditionally, the pattern formed by a tessellation is repetitive.<ref name="ref_ef42" />
# Tessellations run the gamut from basic to boggling.<ref name="ref_d8b8">[https://science.howstuffworks.com/math-concepts/tessellations.htm How Tessellations Work]</ref>
# All tessellations, even shapely and complex ones like M.C. Escher's, begin with a shape that repeats without gaps.<ref name="ref_d8b8" />
# No tessellation talent outshines Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher.<ref name="ref_d8b8" />
# In the context of quilting, tessellation refers to regular and semiregular of tessellation of either patch shapes or the overall design.<ref name="ref_dc90">[https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/tessellation meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary]</ref>
# Then make your own tessellations inspired by artist M.C. Escher .<ref name="ref_3ced">[https://www.teachkidsart.net/tessellations/ Tessellations]</ref>
# To our knowledge, this is a genuine molecular-level realization of a 2D superstructure exhibiting this kind of surface tessellation.<ref name="ref_0a4f">[https://www.pnas.org/content/110/17/6678 Five-vertex Archimedean surface tessellation by lanthanide-directed molecular self-assembly]</ref>
<references />
* ID :  [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3751781 Q3751781]
===Spacy 패턴 목록===
* [{'LEMMA': 'domino'}]

2021년 2월 17일 (수) 05:04 기준 최신판




관련된 항목들

사전 형태의 자료

에세이, 리뷰, 강의노트


  • Nelson, Roice, and Henry Segerman. “Visualizing Hyperbolic Honeycombs.” arXiv:1511.02851 [math], November 7, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.02851.
  • Gao, Honghao, Nan Shi, and Min Yan. 2013. “Spherical Tiling by 12 Congruent Pentagons.” Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 120 (4): 744–76. doi:10.1016/j.jcta.2012.12.006.
  • Mendelsohn, N. S. 2004. “Tiling with Dominoes”. The College Mathematics Journal 35 (2) (3월 1): 115-120. doi:10.2307/4146865.




  1. A semi-regular tessellation is made of two or more regular polygons.[1]
  2. To name a tessellation, go around a vertex and write down how many sides each polygon has, in order ... like "3.12.12".[1]
  3. 1953 ROTATION - A Tessellation which the shape repeats by rotating or turning.[2]
  4. A Tessellation which the shape repeats by reflecting or flipping.[2]
  5. A real physical tessellation is a tiling made of materials such as cemented ceramic squares or hexagons.[3]
  6. Historically, tessellations were used in Ancient Rome and in Islamic art such as in the decorative geometric tiling of the Alhambra palace.[3]
  7. Tessellations are sometimes employed for decorative effect in quilting.[3]
  8. In 1619 Johannes Kepler made an early documented study of tessellations.[3]
  9. Tessellations are a fun, hands-on way to explore STEAM, whether you are in art class, math class, or in a STEM or STEAM classroom.[4]
  10. Tessellations are patterns resulting from arranging, or tiling, shapes without any gaps.[4]
  11. This is the type of tessellation you can make easily with a sticky note (as shown below).[4]
  12. Rotation tessellations are accomplished by (you guessed it!) rotating the tessellated shape.[4]
  13. A tiling of regular polygons (in two dimensions), polyhedra (three dimensions), or polytopes ( dimensions) is called a tessellation.[5]
  14. In the plane, there are eight such tessellations, illustrated above (Ghyka 1977, pp. 76-78; Williams 1979, pp.[5]
  15. A tessellation of -dimensional polytopes is called a honeycomb.[5]
  16. The tessellation process is divided into three stages which form an optional part of Vertex Processing in the rendering pipeline.[6]
  17. The amount of tessellation done in this case is taken from default values set into the context.[6]
  18. This stage is only executed if a tessellation evaluation shader (TES) is active in the current program or program pipeline.[6]
  19. The TES can also force the generation of the tessellation as a series of points rather than triangles or lines by providing the primitive.[6]
  20. But tessellations can be formed from multiple shapes.[7]
  21. The word tessellation can also refer to the act of tessellating—forming such a pattern.[7]
  22. Example: The building was designed to look like a tessellation in the form of a honeycomb pattern.[7]
  23. There are three regular shapes that make up regular tessellations: the equilateral triangle, the square and the regular hexagon.[8]
  24. Equilateral triangles, squares and regular hexagons make up regular tessellations.[8]
  25. Semi-regular tessellations are made of more than one kind of regular polygon.[8]
  26. Within the limit of the same shapes surrounding each vertex (the points where the corners meet), there are eight such tessellations.[8]
  27. : Create a tessellation by deforming a triangle, rectangle or hexagon to form a polygon that tiles the plane.[9]
  28. Tessellation is when shapes fit together in a pattern with no gaps or overlaps.[10]
  29. Alain Nicolas, the great French tessellation artist, has posted a gallery of new original tessellations that are quite amazing.[11]
  30. Try coloring our new "Angry Birds" tessellation.[11]
  31. Brick walls, tiled floors, and the honeycomb in bee hives are all tessellations.[11]
  32. Yes, we'd be happy to post your class's tessellations in a "school gallery" on www.Tessellations.org.[11]
  33. We can study the way regular polygons interact with each other, and one way they can do so is through tessellations.[12]
  34. A regular tessellation is one made using only one regular polygon.[12]
  35. A semi-regular tessellation uses two or more regular polygons.[12]
  36. A tessellation is a repeated series of geometric shapes that covers a surface with no gaps or overlapping of the shapes.[13]
  37. Tessellations are used in works of art, fabric patterns or to teach abstract mathematical concepts, such as symmetry.[13]
  38. All regular tessellations must be made of regular polygons.[13]
  39. However, not all regular polygons can be used to create a tessellation because their sides do not line up evenly.[13]
  40. The words tessellate and tessellation come from a Latin word which means "small stones" and "to pave with small stones".[14]
  41. We will now look at different types of tessellations that deal with regular polygons.[14]
  42. A tessellation is a pattern of shapes repeated to fill a plane.[15]
  43. Tessellations are something we often see in quilts, carpets, floors, and more.[15]
  44. For the tessellation above composed of squares to the left, the sum of the angles at a vertex are 90°+90°+90°+90°=360°.[15]
  45. A regular tessellation is made up of regular congruent polygons.[15]
  46. That function computes triangle edge and inside tessellation factors.[16]
  47. This next example shows a surface shader that does some displacement mapping without using tessellation.[16]
  48. This is not needed yet, but it’s more efficient for tessellation to use as small structure as possible.[16]
  49. Purely distance based tessellation is effective only when triangle sizes are quite similar.[16]
  50. As one journey — the classification of all convex polygon tessellations — ends, another is just beginning.[17]
  51. The squinting eyes, the jut of the chin, the precise tessellation of the lower lip and upper lip stay the same.[17]
  52. Start with creating a tessellation shape using the "translation pattern" ( see the steps below ).[18]
  53. There are few patterns that you can follow to construct a tessellation.[18]
  54. This tessellation was based on a hexagon.[18]
  55. Do you know what is the definition of tessellation and what does it take to create one?[19]
  56. A fundamental region is a shape that is repeated in order to form a tessellation.[19]
  57. One shape of a tile in a tessellation is called a prototile.[19]
  58. Based on the types of polygons, tessellations are classified as regular, semi-regular and non-regular or irregular.[19]
  59. Therefore, these complex structures can be interpreted as interwoven tessellations of the α and β phases.[20]
  60. 4e–g) reveal the detailed structures around the tessellation vertices.[20]
  61. The angular sum of the polygons involved is therefore 360°, resulting in perfect tessellation.[20]
  62. These complex tessellations can be regarded as two different phases interweaving in multiple ways.[20]
  63. Here you can create your own tessellations using regular polygons.[21]
  64. At every vertex in the tessellation, the internal angles of multiple different polygons meet.[21]
  65. Tessellations in Art Many artists, architects and designers use tessellations in their work.[21]
  66. All the tessellations we saw so far have one thing in common: they are periodic.[21]
  67. A tessellation of the plane is an arrangement of polygons which cover the plane without gaps or overlapping.[22]
  68. The goal of the task is to use algebra in order to understand which tessellations of the plane with regular polygons are possible.[22]
  69. In particular, students, perhaps in groups, should be encouraged to produce their own (non-regular) tessellations of the plane.[22]
  70. Tessellations and Fractals are two different art techniques that often get mistaken for one another despite being nothing alike.[23]
  71. Regular tessellations are tile coverings made up of only one shape.[23]
  72. Semi-regular tessellations: When two or three different polygonal shapes share a common vortex, it is called a semi-regular tessellation.[23]
  73. C. Escher used tessellation patterns extensively in his work, often to great effect.[23]
  74. Tessellation is a system of shapes which are fitted together to cover a plane, without any gaps or overlapping.[24]
  75. The word tessellation itself derives from the Greek tessera, which is associated with four, square and tile.[24]
  76. Tessellations are a common feature of decorative art and occur in the natural world all around us.[24]
  77. Traditionally, the pattern formed by a tessellation is repetitive.[24]
  78. Tessellations run the gamut from basic to boggling.[25]
  79. All tessellations, even shapely and complex ones like M.C. Escher's, begin with a shape that repeats without gaps.[25]
  80. No tessellation talent outshines Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher.[25]
  81. In the context of quilting, tessellation refers to regular and semiregular of tessellation of either patch shapes or the overall design.[26]
  82. Then make your own tessellations inspired by artist M.C. Escher .[27]
  83. To our knowledge, this is a genuine molecular-level realization of a 2D superstructure exhibiting this kind of surface tessellation.[28]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Tessellation
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kinds of Tessellations
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Tessellation
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Create a Simple Tessellation
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Tessellation -- from Wolfram MathWorld
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Tessellation
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Definition of Tessellation at Dictionary.com
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Tessellation: The Geometry of Tiles, Honeycombs and M.C. Escher
  9. Interactivate: Tessellate!
  10. What is tessellation?
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 M. C. Escher and how to make your own Tessellation Art
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 At-Home STEM Activities: Tessellations—Exploration and M.C. Escher-Inspired Drawing — McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Rules for Creating Tessellations
  14. 14.0 14.1 The words tessellate and tessellation come from a Latin word which means “small
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Tessellation
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Manual: Surface Shaders with DX11 / OpenGL Core Tessellation
  17. 17.0 17.1 Definition of Tessellation by Merriam-Webster
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Tessellations. Art lesson.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Tessellation Patterns - From Mathematics to Art
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Two-dimensional tessellation by molecular tiles constructed from halogen–halogen and halogen–metal networks
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Tessellations – Polygons and Polyhedra – Mathigon
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Illustrative Mathematics
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Tessellations and fractals? What's the difference between the two?
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Shaping up with Tessellations
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 How Tessellations Work
  26. meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
  27. Tessellations
  28. Five-vertex Archimedean surface tessellation by lanthanide-directed molecular self-assembly



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