Quantized universal enveloping algebra
http://bomber0.myid.net/ (토론)님의 2012년 7월 27일 (금) 16:16 판
이 항목의 수학노트 원문주소
Cartan datum
- Cartan datum \((A,P^{\vee},P,\Pi^{\vee},\Pi)\)
- \(A=(a_{ij})_{i,j\in I}\) symmetrizable GCM
- \(D=\operatorname{diag}(s_i\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0})_{i \in I}\) diagonal matrix s.t. DA is symmetric
- \(P^{\vee}=(\bigoplus_{i\in I}\mathbb{Z}h_{i})\bigoplus(\bigoplus_{j=1}^{\operatorname{corank}(A)}\mathbb{Z}d_{j})\) : dual weight lattice
- \(\mathfrak{h}=\mathbb{Q}\otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} P^{\vee}\) : Cartan subalgebra
- \(P=\{\lambda\in\mathfrak{h}^{*}|\lambda(P^{\vee})\subset \mathbb{Z}\}\) : weight lattice
- \(\Pi^{\vee}=\{h_{i}|i\in I\}\) : simple coroots
- \(\Pi=\{\alpha_{i}\in\mathfrak{h}^{*}|i\in I, \alpha_{i}(h_j)}=a_{ji}\}\) : simple roots
- \((\cdot|\cdot)\) symmetric bilinear form on \(\mathfrak{g}^{*}\)
- \(s_{i}=\frac{(\alpha_{i}|\alpha_{i})}{2}\in \mathbb{Z}_{>0}\)
- \(q_i=q^{s_{i}}\)
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