Compact Kähler manifolds
imported>Pythagoras0님의 2014년 1월 7일 (화) 23:35 판
- 틀:수학노트
- A Hermitian metric $h$ on a complex manifold $(M^{2m},J)$ : $h(X,Y)=h(JX,JY)$
- fundamental 2-form (or Kähler form) $(1,1)$-form given by $\Omega=i\sum_{\alpha,\beta=1}^{m}h_{\alpha\overline{\beta}}dz^{\alpha}\wedge dz^{\overline{\beta}}$
- If $\Omega$ is closed, i.e., $d\Omega=0$, we call $h$ a Kahler metric
- there exists a real function $K$ such that $\Omega=i\partial \overline{\partial} K$, which we call the Kahler potential
- The Ricci form is one of the most important objects on a Kahler manifold
Hermitian metric on a complex manifold
- Let $h$ be a Hermitian metric and the coefficient
$$ h_{\alpha\overline{\beta}}:=h(\frac{\partial}{\partial z_{\alpha}},\frac{\partial}{\partial \overline{z}_{\beta}}) $$
flat matric
- $h_{\alpha\overline{\beta}}=\frac{1}{2}\delta_{\alpha\beta}$
- $\Omega=\frac{i}{2}\sum_{\alpha=1}^m dz_{\alpha}\wedge d\bar{z}_{\alpha}$
- potential $u(z)=\frac{1}{2}|z|^2$
dimension 1 case
- $h_{\alpha\overline{\alpha}}=h_{\overline{\alpha}\alpha}:=h$
- $\Omega=-2ih\,dz \wedge d\overline{z}$
- for $\mathbb{P}^{1}$,
$$ \Omega=\frac{-i}{2\pi}\frac{dz \wedge d\bar{z}}{(1+|z|^2)^2} $$ see Chern class
cohomology theory
- Hodge theory of harmonic forms
- compact Kähler manifold of dimension n
- Dolbeault cohomology
- $h^{p,q}=\operatorname{dim} H^{p,q}(X)$
- $h^{p,q}=h^{q,p}$
- Serre duality $h^{p,q}=h^{n-p,n-q}$
Hodge decomposition theorem
- Let $M$ be a compact Kähler manifold. Let $H^{p,q}(M)$ be the space of cohomology classes represented by a closed form of type $(p,q)$. There is a direct sum decomposition
$$ H^{m}_{dR}(M;\mathbb{C})=\bigoplus_{p+q=m}H^{p,q}(M) $$ Moreover, $H^{p,q}(M)=\overline{H^{q,p}(M)}$. In other words, $H^{m}_{dR}(M)$ carries a real Hodge structure of weight $m$.
- cohomology of sheaves of holomorphic forms
- theorem
Let $\Omega$ be the space of holomorphic $p$-forms on $M$ $$ H^{p,q}(M)\cong H^q(M,\Omega^p) $$
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