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  1. Algebraic geometry has a long history that can be said to go back to the Euclidean geometry in ancient Greece.[1]
  2. The objects we study in algebraic geometry are algebraic varieties, which we can say er geometric objects that can be defined by solution sets of polynomials.[1]
  3. The translation to algebra means that algebraic geometry is more suitable for studying geometric problems of higher complexity than other nearby fields.[1]
  4. Algebraic geometry, study of the geometric properties of solutions to polynomial equations, including solutions in dimensions beyond three.[2]
  5. Algebraic geometry emerged from analytic geometry after 1850 when topology, complex analysis, and algebra were used to study algebraic curves.[2]
  6. Arithmetic geometry combines algebraic geometry and number theory to study integer solutions of polynomial equations.[2]
  7. Noncommutative algebraic geometry, a generalization which has ties to representation theory, has become an important and active field of study by several members of our department.[3]
  8. For a more serious introduction, you can get my notes on basic algebraic geometry.[4]
  9. My notes "Algebraic geometry over the complex numbers" covers more: sheaf theory, cohomology and Hodge theory.[4]
  10. In classical algebraic geometry, the algebra is the ring of polynomials, and the geometry is the set of zeros of polynomials, called an algebraic variety.[5]
  11. In the twentieth century, it was discovered that the basic ideas of classical algebraic geometry can be applied to any commutative ring with a unit, such as the integers.[5]
  12. As a consequence, algebraic geometry became very useful in other areas of mathematics, most notably in algebraic number theory.[5]
  13. Research in algebraic geometry uses diverse methods, with input from commutative algebra, PDE, algebraic topology, and complex and arithmetic geometry, among others.[6]
  14. Algebraic geometry sets out to answer these questions by applying the techniques of abstract algebra to the set of polynomials that define the curves (which are then called "algebraic varieties").[7]
  15. Other common questions in algebraic geometry concern points of special interest such as singularities, inflection points and points at infinity - we shall see these throughout the catalogue.[7]
  16. Algebraic geometry grew significantly in the 20th century, branching into topics such as computational algebraic geometry, Diophantine geometry, and analytic geometry.[7]
  17. Algebraic geometry is a very abstract subject, studied for beauty and interest alone.[7]
  18. Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics, classically studying zeros of multivariate polynomials.[8]
  19. Algebraic geometry occupies a central place in modern mathematics and has multiple conceptual connections with such diverse fields as complex analysis, topology and number theory.[8]
  20. This approach also enables a unification of the language and the tools of classical algebraic geometry, mainly concerned with complex points, and of algebraic number theory.[8]
  21. In classical algebraic geometry, this field was always the complex numbers C, but many of the same results are true if we assume only that k is algebraically closed.[8]
  22. Algebraic Geometry is an open access journal owned by the Foundation Compositio Mathematica.[9]
  23. The purpose of the journal is to publish first-class research papers in algebraic geometry and related fields.[9]
  24. Robin Hartshorne studied algebraic geometry with Oscar Zariski and David Mumford at Harvard, and with J.-P. Serre and A. Grothendieck in Paris.[10]
  25. This is a graduate-level text on algebraic geometry that provides a quick and fully self-contained development of the fundamentals, including all commutative algebra which is used.[11]
  26. Student work expected: Algebraic geometry is a field which has reinvented itself multiple times, and which also stands as a model and setting for much of the rest of mathematics.[12]
  27. You may give a talk in the student algebraic geometry seminar, which meets Thursdays at 4-5 PM, to satisfy this requirement.[12]
  28. Phillip Augustus Griffiths IV is an American mathematician, known for his work in the field of geometry, and in particular for the complex manifold approach to algebraic geometry.[13]
  29. Joseph Harris is the author of Principles of Algebraic Geometry, published by Wiley.[13]
  30. Algebraic geometry is a classical subject with a modern face that studies geometric objects defined by polynomial equations in several variables.[14]
  31. The course introduces the basic objects in algebraic geometry: Affine and projective varieties and maps between them.[14]
  32. But because polynomials are so ubiquitous in mathematics, algebraic geometry has always stood at the crossroads of many different fields.[15]
  33. Classical questions in algebraic geometry involve the study of particular sets of equations or the geometry of lines and linear spaces.[15]
  34. Recent developments in high energy physics have also led to a host of spectacular results and open problems in complex algebraic geometry.[15]
  35. Finally, since polynomials lend themselves well to algebraic manipulation, there are many links between computational algebraic geometry and computer science.[15]
  36. The moduli space M_{0,n}-bar of genus-zero curves with n distinct marked points is a fundamental object in algebraic geometry.[16]
  37. The purpose of the SIAM Activity Group on Algebraic Geometry is to bring together researchers who use algebraic geometry in industrial and applied mathematics.[17]
  38. We welcome participation from both theoretical mathematical areas and application areas not on this list which fall under this broadly interpreted notion of algebraic geometry and its applications.[17]
  39. In my 50s, too old to become a real expert, I have finally fallen in love with algebraic geometry.[18]
  40. How could any mathematician not fall in love with algebraic geometry?[18]
  41. Why does algebraic geometry restrict itself to polynomials?[18]
  42. He meant Robin Hartshorne’s textbook Algebraic Geometry, published in 1977.[18]
  43. The organizers hope to convey the essential unity of the subject, especially to young researchers and established mathematicians in other fields who use algebraic geometry in their research.[19]
  44. In the 1960s, the mathematician Alexander Grothendieck advanced a deeply influential theory about algebraic geometry.[20]
  45. One of this year’s four winners, Cambridge University’s Caucher Birkar, was recognized for his pioneering work in an abstract subfield called algebraic geometry.[20]
  46. Shou-Wu Zhang, who later left Columbia for Princeton, worked simultaneously in number theory and arithmetic algebraic geometry.[20]
  47. For work in arithmetic algebraic geometry including applications to the theory of Shimura varieties and the Riemann-Hilbert problem for p-adic varieties.[20]
  48. Algebraic geometry concerns the study of algebraic varieties, which are the common solution sets of polynomial equations.[21]
  49. In the 1960s and 1970s its foundations were revolutionized by the French school of algebraic geometry, especially through the work of Alexander Grothendieck.[21]
  50. These conjectures stimulated the development of modern algebraic geometry, and their proof is regarded as one of its most important achievements.[21]
  51. “In recent years algebraic geometry and mathematical physics have begun to interact very deeply mostly because of string theory and mirror symmetry,” said Migliorini.[21]
  52. Algebraic geometry studies curves, surfaces and their generalisations in higher dimensions, which van be described by systems of polynomial equations.[22]
  53. The chair of algebraic geometry is a research group doing research in algebraic geometry in general.[23]
  54. The goal of algebraic geometry is to understand geometrically common zero sets of multivariable polynomials.[23]
  55. Algebraic sets being such fundamental and natural objects, it is hard to attach a single date to the start of the history of algebraic geometry.[23]




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  • [{'LOWER': 'algebraic'}, {'LEMMA': 'geometry'}]