퇴플리츠 연산자

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  1. It is a natural ask of when Toeplitz operator becomes normal.[1]
  2. (i) Let be an analytic Toeplitz operator in ; that is, .[2]
  3. Let us suppose, for now, is a coanalytic Toeplitz operator in and .[2]
  4. Toeplitz operator in , cannot be of finite rank (see Remark 7).[2]
  5. Suppose now that is known to be a Toeplitz operator in , for some .[2]
  6. ( T n ) , the Toeplitz operator T ϕ is defined as the compression of M ϕ to H 2 ( D n ) .[3]
  7. A necessary and sufficient condition that an operator on H 2 ( D n ) be a Toeplitz operator is that it can be represented as a Toeplitz matrix of level n .[3]
  8. If A is a Toeplitz operator on H 2 ( D n ) , then, by Theorem 3.4, A can be represented as a Toeplitz matrix of level- n .[3]
  9. it can be shown that A is a Toeplitz operator on H 2 ( D n ) .[3]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'toeplitz'}, {'LEMMA': 'operator'}]