Persistent homology

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계산 리소스

사전 형태의 자료

리뷰, 에세이, 강의노트


  • Otter, Nina, Mason A. Porter, Ulrike Tillmann, Peter Grindrod, and Heather A. Harrington. ‘A Roadmap for the Computation of Persistent Homology’. arXiv:1506.08903 [cs, Math], 29 June 2015.
  • Lampret, Leon. ‘Tensor, Symmetric, Exterior, and Other Powers of Persistence Modules’. arXiv:1503.08266 [math], 28 March 2015.
  • Jaquette, Jonathan, and Miroslav Kramár. “Rigorous Computation of Persistent Homology.” arXiv:1412.1805 [math], December 4, 2014.




  1. A method for the use of persistent homology in the statistical analysis of landmark-based shape data is given.[1]
  2. Three-dimensional landmark configurations are used as input for separate filtrations, persistent homology is performed, and persistence diagrams are obtained.[1]
  3. A three-dimensional landmark-based data set is used from a longitudinal orthodontic study, and the persistent homology method is able to distinguish clinically relevant treatment effects.[1]
  4. Persistent homology (PH), a tool from topological data analysis (TDA), serves as the basis for this work.[2]
  5. We use persistent homology, which allows us to study these features at varying scales.[2]
  6. 3 is an illustrative example that shows the steps of computing persistent homology on a simple three gland example.[2]
  7. Persistent homology tracks the changes in homology (i.e., the topological features that we are interested in) over a range of thresholds.[2]
  8. We use persistent homology, a recent technique from computational topology, to analyse four weighted collaboration networks.[3]
  9. We show that persistent homology corresponds to tangible features of the networks.[3]
  10. To do so we use persistent homology, a recent technique from computational topology.[3]
  11. The framework of persistent homology records structural properties and their changes for a whole range of thresholds.[3]
  12. One such tool is persistent homology, which provides a multiscale description of the homological features within a data set.[4]
  13. The alpha complex efficiently computes persistent homology of a point cloud X in Euclidean space when the dimension d is low.[5]
  14. A of X, relative persistent homology can be computed as the persistent homology of the relative Čech complex Č(X, A).[5]
  15. The aim of this note is to present a method for efficient computation of relative persistent homology in low dimensional Euclidean space.[5]
  16. We introduce the relative Delaunay-Čech complex DelČ(X, A) whose homology is the relative persistent homology.[5]
  17. Persistent homology is a multiscale method for analyzing the shape of sets and functions from point cloud data arising from an unknown distribution supported on those sets.[6]
  18. When the size of the sample is large, direct computation of the persistent homology is prohibitive due to the combinatorial nature of the existing algorithms.[6]
  19. We propose to compute the persistent homology of several subsamples of the data and then combine the resulting estimates.[6]
  20. %V 37 %W PMLR %X Persistent homology is a multiscale method for analyzing the shape of sets and functions from point cloud data arising from an unknown distribution supported on those sets.[6]
  21. In this paper, we propose to use the persistent homology to systematically study the osmolytes’ molecular aggregation and their hydrogen-bonding network from a global topological perspective.[7]
  22. Persistent homology is a tool that allows multi-scale analysis.[8]
  23. Persistent homology follows the rule that the oldest one survives.[8]
  24. Computing persistent homology is equivalent to reducing that matrix with the following rules.[8]
  25. There are numerous libraries that compute persistent homology and that are aimed at different public.[8]
  26. Persistent homology methods have found applications in the analysis of multiple types of biological data, particularly imaging data or data with a spatial and/or temporal component.[9]
  27. However, few studies have assessed the use of persistent homology for the analysis of gene expression data.[9]
  28. Persistent homology introduced by Edelsbrunner et al.[9]
  29. In persistent homology, ε varies, which allows the assessment of topological invariants of an object at different scales.[9]
  30. Using persistent homology and dynamical distances to analyze protein binding ,” Stat.[10]
  31. Persistent homology is a method for computing topological features of a space at different spatial resolutions.[11]
  32. Each of these two theorems allows us to uniquely represent the persistent homology of a filtered simplicial complex with a barcode or persistence diagram.[11]
  33. Persistent homology is stable in a precise sense, which provides robustness against noise.[11]
  34. Persistent homology is a homology theory adapted to a computational context, for instance, in analysis of large data sets.[12]
  35. The idea of persistent homology is to look for features that persist for some range of parameter values.[12]
  36. The math linking the many uses of persistent homology described here is deep, and not covered in this write-up.[13]
  37. This section looks at several dimensions of persistent homology with Euclidean data (e.g. sets of n-dimensional separate points).[13]
  38. 0d persistent homology in Euclidean space can best be explained as growing balls simultaneously around each point.[13]
  39. 0d persistent homology is tracking when these balls intersect.[13]
  40. In this section, we discuss the application of our localized persistent homology and localized weighted persistent homology in the study of DNA structures.[14]
  41. We study the barcodes for both LPH and LWPH models, i.e., one with traditional persistent homology and the other with the weighted persistent homology as in Eq.[14]
  42. In this section, we will give a brief introduction of persistent homology and weighted persistent homology.[15]
  43. The persistent homology, a tool from algebraic topology and computational topology, is proposed to characterize data “shape”64.[15]
  44. Persistent homology can be understood from three different aspects.[15]
  45. In persistent homology, the data is characterized by Betti numbers, including β 0 , β 1 , β 2 and higher order topological invariants93,94.[15]
  46. We define two filtered complexes with which we can calculate the persistent homology of a probability distribution.[16]
  47. Using statistical estimators for samples from certain families of distributions, we show that we can recover the persistent homology of the underlying distribution.[16]
  48. Thus, an increasing number of researchers is now approaching to persistent homology as a tool to be used in their research activity.[17]
  49. The first one is a web-based user-guide equipped with interactive examples to facilitate the comprehension of the notions at the basis of persistent homology.[17]




Spacy 패턴 목록

  • [{'LOWER': 'persistent'}, {'LEMMA': 'homology'}]