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- 수학과 학부에서 배우게 되는 표준적인 커리큘럼으로는 19세기부터 20세기 초까지의 복소해석학의 중요한 발전을 제대로 이해하기 어려움.
다루는 대상
- 리만곡면
- 리만곡면 위에 정의된 복소함수
- 대수적함수체(algebraic function field)
주요 결과
- Riemann existence theorem (existence of nonconstant meromorphic function)
- 리만-로흐 정리
- 리만 곡면에서의 호지 이론(Hodge theory)
- 리만 bilinear relation
- 아벨-야코비 정리
- 리만 세타 함수의 vanishing theorem
- 리만 사상 정리 Riemann mapping theorem and the uniformization theorem
- 컴팩트 리만곡면의 자기동형군에 대한 후르비츠 정리
- Eva Lübcke, On a property of Fermi curves of \(2\)-dimensional periodic Schrdinger operators, arXiv:1606.02833 [math-ph], June 09 2016, http://arxiv.org/abs/1606.02833
- http://library.wolfram.com/examples/riemannsurface/Links/TalkGD99_lnk_1.html
- http://mathoverflow.net/questions/19649/physical-construction-of-nonconstant-meromorphic-functions-on-compact-riemann?rq=1
매스매티카 파일 및 계산 리소스
- https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8XXo8Tve1cxX1ozSGtjYnN6NDQ/edit
- http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/20912/how-to-draw-a-higher-genus-surface
관련된 교과목
관련된 학부 과목과 미리 알고 있으면 좋은 것들
관련된 대학원 과목 또는 더 공부하면 좋은 것들
- 대수기하학
- Frances Kirwan, Complex Algebraic Curves (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
- Simon Donaldson Riemann surfaces
리뷰, 에세이, 강의노트
- Wells Jr, Raymond O. ‘The Origins of Complex Geometry in the 19th Century’. arXiv:1504.04405 [math], 16 April 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.04405.
- Shaska, T., and C. Shor. ‘Weierstrass Points of Superelliptic Curves’. arXiv:1502.06285 [math], 22 February 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.06285.
- Frauendiener, J., and C. Klein. “Computational Approach to Hyperelliptic Riemann Surfaces.” arXiv:1408.2201 [nlin], August 10, 2014. http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.2201.
- Guffin, Riemann Surfaces And Their Moduli, 2005
- McMullen http://www.math.harvard.edu/~ctm/home/text/class/berkeley/241/96/course/course.pdf
- Narasimhan, Simha, Narasimhan, Seshadri, Riemann Surfaces
- http://www.unc.edu/math/Faculty/met/rsurf.pdf
- http://people.reed.edu/~jerry/311/theta.pdf
- Keßler, Enno, and Jürgen Tolksdorf. “The Functional of Super Riemann Surfaces -- a ‘Semi-Classical’ Survey.” arXiv:1511.05092 [math], November 16, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.05092.
- Bobenko, Alexander I., and Felix Günther. “Discrete Riemann Surfaces Based on Quadrilateral Cellular Decompositions.” arXiv:1511.00652 [math], November 2, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.00652.
- Frauendiener, J., and C. Klein. “Computational Approach to Compact Riemann Surfaces.” arXiv:1510.09063 [math-Ph, Physics:nlin], October 30, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.09063.
- Kranich, Stefan. “GPU-Based Visualization of Domain-Coloured Algebraic Riemann Surfaces.” arXiv:1507.04571 [cs, Math], July 16, 2015. http://arxiv.org/abs/1507.04571.